在地政府利用 QGIS 及 GRASS 繪製叢林火災地圖


The Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) is a small-to-medium sized local government in south east Queensland, Australia. The council region, mainly the southern part, suffers from major bushfires. Bushfire is a real and present concern for the residents and landowners in the Southern Downs Region, and has resulted in the loss of life and property.

This project will allow the council and the people of the region to be more aware of the risk and to allow for better decision making in the future.

The Project

叢林火災不僅是南原地區市政局(SDRC)的棘手問題,也是全昆士蘭的共同煩惱,州政府透過州政規劃政策 1/03 減輕洪澇、叢林火災及泥石流/山泥傾瀉的不良影響[1] (State Planning Policy 1/03 Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Flood, Bushfire and Landslide)要求所有自治體査出其區内潛在叢林大火區域。而通常這種工作會透過顧問公司完成,但這次 SRDC 選擇了自行利用 QGIS 和 GRASS 達成任務。

The GIS side of the project project was broken down into 6 main steps

  • 斜坡評估及記錄

  • 環境評估及記錄

  • 植被評估及記錄

  • 綜合上述資料並推算叢林火災風險程度

  • 實地驗核及定性評估

  • Final Maps

The use of QGIS and GRASS

QGIS, using the GRASS plugin, was selected as it provided the tools needed to complete the job and the interaction between QGIS and GRASS made it easy to process the raster maps and present them in a meaningful way to users. SDRC uses MapInfo for its main GIS system, however MapInfo’s addons were not as powerful as GRASS GIS for raster processing.

The QGIS GRASS plugin was used to import 5 meter contours of the whole region into GRASS which were then converted into a contour raster map using r.surf.contour. A slope and aspect map were then generated using r.slope.aspect from the raster contour map. Categories were assigned to different slope and aspect ranges and given a hazard risk sore. Vegetation areas were also given different risk scores. All the resulting raster maps were then combined using mapcalc and given a final risk hazard score. The risk scores are then divided into three main categories: high; medium; and low.

The final part of the process was field verification via the rural fire service. After the review process, QGIS was used to print the final maps for presentation.

As all GRASS commands can be run from the command line, all the commands that were needed to generate the bushfire hazard maps were recorded, for documentation purposes and for if the maps needed to be regenerated some time in the future.


Overall QGIS, together with the GRASS plugin, provided a great experience and a great final outcome for the council doing their own bushfire hazard mapping. The GRASS plugin provides a very easy to use interface to GRASS through QGIS. As QGIS is able to open the GRASS raster format natively, integration is very seamless and maps can be made with ease.

The project won an encouragement award at the Queensland Planning Institute of Australia state planning awards in 2010 [2]



Nathan Woodrow

Nathan Woodrow

This article was contributed in January 2011 by Nathan Woodrow. Nathan is a GIS officer at the Southern Downs Regional Council and is studying an associates degree in Spatial Science at University of Souther Queensland