Class: QgsVectorLayer

class qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer(path: str = '', baseName: str = '', providerLib: str = '', options: QgsVectorLayer.LayerOptions = QgsVectorLayer.LayerOptions())

Bases: qgis._core.QgsMapLayer, qgis._core.QgsExpressionContextGenerator, qgis._core.QgsExpressionContextScopeGenerator, qgis._core.QgsFeatureSink, qgis._core.QgsFeatureSource

Constructor - creates a vector layer

The QgsVectorLayer is constructed by instantiating a data provider. The provider interprets the supplied path (url) of the data source to connect to and access the data.

  • path – The path or url of the parameter. Typically this encodes parameters used by the data provider as url query items.

  • baseName – The name used to represent the layer in the legend

  • providerLib – The name of the data provider, e.g., “memory”, “postgres”

  • options – layer load options

Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.

The QgsVectorLayer is instantiated by specifying the name of a data provider, such as postgres or wfs, and url defining the specific data set to connect to. The vector layer constructor in turn instantiates a QgsVectorDataProvider subclass corresponding to the provider type, and passes it the url. The data provider connects to the data source.

The QgsVectorLayer provides a common interface to the different data types. It also manages editing transactions.

Sample usage of the QgsVectorLayer class:

QString uri = "point?crs=epsg:4326&field=id:integer";
QgsVectorLayer *scratchLayer = new QgsVectorLayer(uri, "Scratch point layer",  "memory");

The main data providers supported by QGIS are listed below.

section providers Vector data providers

subsection memory Memory data providerType (memory)

The memory data provider is used to construct in memory data, for example scratch data or data generated from spatial operations such as contouring. There is no inherent persistent storage of the data. The data source uri is constructed. The url specifies the geometry type (“point”, “linestring”, “polygon”, “multipoint”,”multilinestring”,”multipolygon”), optionally followed by url parameters as follows:

  • crs=definition

Defines the coordinate reference system to use for the layer. definition is any string accepted by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.createFromString()

  • index=yes

Specifies that the layer will be constructed with a spatial index

  • field=name:type(length,precision)

Defines an attribute of the layer. Multiple field parameters can be added to the data provider definition. type is one of “integer”, “double”, “string”.

An example url is “Point?crs=epsg:4326&field=id:integer&field=name:string(20)&index=yes”

Since QGIS 3.4 when closing a project, the application shows a warning about potential data loss if there are any non-empty memory layers present. If your memory layer should not trigger such warning, it is possible to suppress that by setting the following custom variable: .. code-block:: python

layer.setCustomProperty(“skipMemoryLayersCheck”, 1)

subsection ogr OGR data provider (ogr)

Accesses data using the OGR drivers ( The url is the OGR connection string. A wide variety of data formats can be accessed using this driver, including file based formats used by many GIS systems, database formats, and web services. Some of these formats are also supported by custom data providers listed below.

subsection spatialite SpatiaLite data provider (spatialite)

Access data in a SpatiaLite database. The url defines the connection parameters, table, geometry column, and other attributes. The url can be constructed using the QgsDataSourceUri class.

subsection postgres PostgreSQL data provider (postgres)

Connects to a PostgreSQL database. The url defines the connection parameters, table, geometry column, and other attributes. The url can be constructed using the QgsDataSourceUri class.

subsection mssql Microsoft SQL server data provider (mssql)

Connects to a Microsoft SQL server database. The url defines the connection parameters, table, geometry column, and other attributes. The url can be constructed using the QgsDataSourceUri class.

subsection wfs WFS (web feature service) data provider (wfs)

Used to access data provided by a web feature service.

The url can be a HTTP url to a WFS server (legacy, e.g. http://foobar/wfs?TYPENAME=xxx&SRSNAME=yyy[&FILTER=zzz]), or, starting with QGIS 2.16, a URI constructed using the QgsDataSourceUri class with the following parameters : - url=string (mandatory): HTTP url to a WFS server endpoint. e.g http://foobar/wfs - typename=string (mandatory): WFS typename - srsname=string (recommended): SRS like ‘EPSG:XXXX’ - username=string - password=string - authcfg=string - version=auto/1.0.0/1.1.0/2.0.0 -sql=string: full SELECT SQL statement with optional WHERE, ORDER BY and possibly with JOIN if supported on server - filter=string: QGIS expression or OGC/FES filter - restrictToRequestBBOX=1: to download only features in the view extent (or more generally in the bounding box of the feature iterator) - maxNumFeatures=number - IgnoreAxisOrientation=1: to ignore EPSG axis order for WFS 1.1 or 2.0 - InvertAxisOrientation=1: to invert axis order - hideDownloadProgressDialog=1: to hide the download progress dialog

The ‘FILTER’ query string parameter can be used to filter the WFS feature type. The ‘FILTER’ key value can either be a QGIS expression or an OGC XML filter. If the value is set to a QGIS expression the driver will turn it into OGC XML filter before passing it to the WFS server. Beware the QGIS expression filter only supports” =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, AND, OR, NOT, LIKE, IS NULL” attribute operators, “BBOX, Disjoint, Intersects, Touches, Crosses, Contains, Overlaps, Within” spatial binary operators and the QGIS local “geomFromWKT, geomFromGML” geometry constructor functions.

Also note:

  • You can use various functions available in the QGIS Expression list,

however the function must exist server side and have the same name and arguments to work.

  • Use the special $geometry parameter to provide the layer geometry column as input

into the spatial binary operators e.g intersects($geometry, geomFromWKT(‘POINT (5 6)’))

subsection delimitedtext Delimited text file data provider (delimitedtext)

Accesses data in a delimited text file, for example CSV files generated by spreadsheets. The contents of the file are split into columns based on specified delimiter characters. Each record may be represented spatially either by an X and Y coordinate column, or by a WKT (well known text) formatted columns.

The url defines the filename, the formatting options (how the text in the file is divided into data fields, and which fields contain the X,Y coordinates or WKT text definition. The options are specified as url query items.

At its simplest the url can just be the filename, in which case it will be loaded as a CSV formatted file.

The url may include the following items:

  • encoding=UTF-8

Defines the character encoding in the file. The default is UTF-8. To use the default encoding for the operating system use “System”.

  • type=(csv|regexp|whitespace|plain)

Defines the algorithm used to split records into columns. Records are defined by new lines, except for csv format files for which quoted fields may span multiple records. The default type is csv.

  • “csv” splits the file based on three sets of characters:

delimiter characters, quote characters, and escape characters. Delimiter characters mark the end of a field. Quote characters enclose a field which can contain delimiter characters, and newlines. Escape characters cause the following character to be treated literally (including delimiter, quote, and newline characters). Escape and quote characters must be different from delimiter characters. Escape characters that are also quote characters are treated specially - they can only escape themselves within quotes. Elsewhere they are treated as quote characters. The defaults for delimiter, quote, and escape are ‘,’, ‘”’, ‘”’. - “regexp” splits each record using a regular expression (see QRegExp documentation for details). - “whitespace” splits each record based on whitespace (on or more whitespace characters. Leading whitespace in the record is ignored. - “plain” is provided for backwards compatibility. It is equivalent to CSV except that the default quote characters are single and double quotes, and there is no escape characters.

  • delimiter=characters

Defines the delimiter characters used for csv and plain type files, or the regular expression for regexp type files. It is a literal string of characters except that “t” may be used to represent a tab character.

  • quote=characters

Defines the characters that are used as quote characters for csv and plain type files.

  • escape=characters

Defines the characters used to escape delimiter, quote, and newline characters.

  • skipLines=n

Defines the number of lines to ignore at the beginning of the file (default 0)

  • useHeader=(yes|no)

Defines whether the first record in the file (after skipped lines) contains column names (default yes)

  • trimFields=(yes|no)

If yes then leading and trailing whitespace will be removed from fields

  • skipEmptyFields=(yes|no)

If yes then empty fields will be discarded (equivalent to concatenating consecutive delimiters)

  • maxFields=#

Specifies the maximum number of fields to load for each record. Additional fields will be discarded. Default is 0 - load all fields.

  • decimalPoint=c

Defines a character that is used as a decimal point in the numeric columns The default is ‘.’.

  • xField=column yField=column

Defines the name of the columns holding the x and y coordinates for XY point geometries. If the useHeader is no (ie there are no column names), then this is the column number (with the first column as 1).

  • xyDms=(yes|no)

If yes then the X and Y coordinates are interpreted as degrees/minutes/seconds format (fairly permissively), or degree/minutes format.

  • wktField=column

Defines the name of the columns holding the WKT geometry definition for WKT geometries. If the useHeader is no (ie there are no column names), then this is the column number (with the first column as 1).

  • geomType=(point|line|polygon|none)

Defines the geometry type for WKT type geometries. QGIS will only display one type of geometry for the layer - any others will be ignored when the file is loaded. By default the provider uses the type of the first geometry in the file. Use geomType to override this type.

geomType can also be set to none, in which case the layer is loaded without geometries.

  • subset=expression

Defines an expression that will identify a subset of records to display

  • crs=crsstring

Defines the coordinate reference system used for the layer. This can be any string accepted by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.createFromString()


Determines whether the provider generates an index to improve the efficiency of subsets. The default is yes


Determines whether the provider generates a spatial index. The default is no.


Defines whether the file will be monitored for changes. The default is to monitor for changes.

  • quiet

Errors encountered loading the file will not be reported in a user dialog if quiet is included (They will still be shown in the output log).

subsection gpx GPX data provider (gpx)

Provider reads tracks, routes, and waypoints from a GPX file. The url defines the name of the file, and the type of data to retrieve from it (“track”, “route”, or “waypoint”).

An example url is “/home/user/data/holiday.gpx?type=route”

subsection grass Grass data provider (grass)

Provider to display vector data in a GRASS GIS layer.

TODO QGIS3: Remove virtual from non-inherited methods (like isModified)

See also





Returns all layer actions defined on this layer.


Add an attribute field (but does not commit it) returns true if the field was added



Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features (takes ownership)


Add a new field which is calculated by the expression specified




Joins another vector layer to this layer


Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature


Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature


Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features


Adds topological points for every vertex of the geometry.


Calculates an aggregated value from the layer’s features.



Returns the alias of an attribute name or a null string if there is no alias.


Returns a map of field name to attribute alias


Convenience function that returns the attribute alias if defined or the field name else


Returns list of attribute indexes.


Returns the attribute table configuration object.


Returns the current auxiliary layer.


Create edit command for undo/redo operations


Returns the bounding box of the selected features.


Capabilities for this layer, comma separated and translated.


Changes an attribute value for a feature (but does not immediately commit the changes).


Changes attributes’ values for a feature (but does not immediately commit the changes).


Changes a feature’s geometry within the layer’s edit buffer (but does not immediately commit the changes).



Returns a new instance equivalent to this one.


Attempts to commit to the underlying data provider any buffered changes made since the last to call to startEditing().


Returns a list containing any error messages generated when attempting to commit changes to the layer.


Returns the conditional styles that are set for this layer.



Returns the descriptive name for the constraint expression for a specified field index.


Returns the constraint expression for for a specified field index, if set.


Count features for symbols.




Returns new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context



Returns a description for this layer as defined in the data provider.




Returns the calculated default value for the specified field index.


Returns the definition of the expression used when calculating the default value for a field.


Deletes an attribute field (but does not commit it).


Deletes a list of attribute fields (but does not commit it)


Deletes a feature from the layer (but does not commit it).


Deletes a set of features from the layer (but does not commit it)


Deletes the selected features


Delete a style from the database


Deletes a vertex from a feature.


Gets the list of dependencies.


Deselect feature by its ID


Destroy active command and reverts all changes in it




Returns whether the layer contains diagrams which are enabled and should be drawn.



Returns the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string.


This is a shorthand for accessing the displayExpression if it is a simple field.


Draws a vertex symbol at (screen) coordinates x, y.


Buffer with uncommitted editing operations.


Returns the configuration of the form used to represent this vector layer.


The editor widget setup defines which QgsFieldFormatter and editor widget will be used for the field at index.



Finish edit command and add it to undo/redo stack


A set of attributes that are not advertised in WFS requests with QGIS server.


A set of attributes that are not advertised in WMS requests with QGIS server.


Returns the expression used for a given expression field



Returns the current blending mode for features


Number of features rendered with specified legend key.


Returns any constraints which are present for a specified field index.


Returns a map of constraint with their strength for a specific field of the layer.


Returns the list of fields of this layer.


Configuration and logic to apply automatically on any edit happening on this layer.


Returns point, line or polygon


Query the layer for the feature with the given id.


Query the layer for features specified in request.


Query the layer for the geometry at the given id.


Returns an iterator of the selected features.


Will return the named style corresponding to style id provided



Determines if this vector layer has features.



Insert a new vertex before the given vertex number, in the given ring, item (first number is index 0), and feature Not meaningful for Point geometries


Select not selected features and deselect selected ones


Invert selection of features found within the search rectangle (in layer’s coordinates)


Returns true if the field comes from the auxiliary layer, false otherwise.


Test if an edit command is active


Returns true if the provider is in editing mode


Returns true if the provider has been modified since the last commit



Returns true if this is a geometry layer and false in case of NoGeometry (table only) or UnknownGeometry


Returns the join buffer object.


Access to labeling configuration.


Returns whether the layer contains labels which are enabled and should be drawn.


Lists all the style in db split into related to the layer and not related to


Loads the auxiliary layer for this vector layer.



Load a named style from file/local db/datasource db


The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.


Returns the maximum value for an attribute column or an invalid variant in case of error.


Returns the minimum value for an attribute column or an invalid variant in case of error.


Modifies the current selection on this layer


Moves the vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature to the given coordinates


Moves the vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature to the given coordinates


Returns the opacity for the vector layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).


Returns the list of attributes which make up the layer’s primary keys.




Returns true if the extent is read from the XML document when data source has no metadata, false if it’s the data provider which determines it.



Read the style for the current layer from the Dom node supplied.



Read the symbology for the current layer from the Dom node supplied.


Reads vector layer specific state from project file Dom node.



Returns the layer’s relations, where the foreign key is on this layer.


Synchronises with changes in the datasource


Remove an expression field


Removes an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs


Removes a constraint for a specified field index.


Removes a vector layer join


Clear selection


Renames an attribute field (but does not commit it).


Returns renderer.


Resolve references to other layers (kept as layer IDs after reading XML) into layer objects.


Stops a current editing operation and discards any uncommitted edits.


Save named and sld style of the layer to the style table in the db.


Select feature by its ID


Select all the features


Select matching features using an expression.


Select matching features using a list of feature IDs.


Select features found within the search rectangle (in layer’s coordinates)


Returns the number of features that are selected in this layer.


Returns a list of the selected features IDs in this layer.


Returns a copy of the user-selected features.




Set the attribute table configuration object.


Sets the current auxiliary layer.


Set the constraint expression for the specified field index.


Setup the coordinate system transformation for the layer


Update the data source of the layer.


Sets the definition of the expression to use when calculating the default value for a field.


Sets the list of dependencies.



Sets diagram rendering object (takes ownership)


Set the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string.


Set the editFormConfig (configuration) of the form used to represent this vector layer.


copydoc editorWidgetSetup



A set of attributes that are not advertised in WFS requests with QGIS server.


A set of attributes that are not advertised in WMS requests with QGIS server.


Sets the extent


Sets the blending mode used for rendering each feature


Sets an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs


Sets a constraint for a specified field index.


Set labeling configuration.


Sets whether labels should be enabled for the layer.


The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.


Sets the opacity for the vector layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).


Sets the textencoding of the data provider



Flag allowing to indicate if the extent has to be read from the XML document when data source has no metadata or if the data provider has to determine it.


Make layer read-only (editing disabled) or not


Set renderer which will be invoked to represent this layer.


Set the simplification settings for fast rendering of features


Set the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer



Returns whether the VectorLayer can apply the specified simplification hint


Returns the simplification settings for fast rendering of features





Splits features cut by the given line


Splits parts cut by the given line


Makes the layer editable.


Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name.


Returns the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer.



Translates feature by dx, dy


Returns unique string values of an attribute which contain a specified subset string.


Calculates a list of unique values contained within an attribute in the layer.


Changes the expression used to define an expression based (virtual) field


Update the extents for the layer.


Updates an existing feature in the layer, replacing the attributes and geometry for the feature with matching with the attributes and geometry from feature.


Will regenerate the fields property of this layer by obtaining all fields from the dataProvider, joined fields and virtual fields.



Returns the WKBType or WKBUnknown in case of error




Writes the symbology of the layer into the document provided in SLD 1.1 format


Write just the style information for the layer into the document



Write the symbology for the layer into the docment provided.


Write vector layer specific state to project file Dom node.



Is emitted, after changes are rolled back


Emitted whenever the allowCommitChanged() property of this layer changes.


Will be emitted, when a new attribute has been added to this vector layer.


Will be emitted, when an attribute has been deleted from this vector layer.


Is emitted whenever an attribute value change is done in the edit buffer.


Will be emitted, when an expression field is going to be added to this vector layer.


Is emitted, before changes are committed to the data provider [signal]


Is emitted, before editing on this layer is started [signal]


Is emitted, when layer is checked for modifications.


Will be emitted, when an expression field is going to be deleted from this vector layer.


Is emitted, before changes are rolled back [signal]


This signal is emitted, when attribute value changes are saved to the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when attributes are added to the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when attributes are deleted from the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when features are added to the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when features are deleted from the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when geometry changes are saved to the provider [signal]


Emitted when the display expression changes


Signal emitted, when an edit command is destroyed


Signal emitted, when an edit command successfully ended


Signal emitted when a new edit command has been started


Will be emitted whenever the edit form configuration of this layer changes.


Is emitted, when editing on this layer has started [signal]


Is emitted, when edited changes successfully have been written to the data provider [signal]


Emitted when a new feature has been added to the layer


Signal emitted when setFeatureBlendMode() is called [signal]


Emitted when a feature has been deleted.


Emitted when features have been deleted.


Is emitted whenever a geometry change is done in the edit buffer.


Emitted when the font family defined for labeling layer is not found on system [signal]


This signal is emitted when modifications has been done on layer [signal]


Emitted when the map tip changes


Emitted when the layer’s opacity is changed, where opacity is a value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).


Signals an error related to this vector layer.


Signal emitted whenever the symbology (QML-file) for this layer is being read.


Emitted when the read only state of this layer is changed.


This signal is emitted when selection was changed


Emitted when the layer’s subset string has changed.


Emitted when the feature count for symbols on this layer has been recalculated.


Is emitted, whenever the fields available from this layer have been changed.


Signal emitted whenever the symbology (QML-file) for this layer is being written.














AddToSelection = 1
Cross = 1
EditFailed = 2
class EditResult

Bases: int

EmptyGeometry = 1
FetchFeatureFailed = 3
IntersectSelection = 2
InvalidLayer = 4
class LayerOptions(loadDefaultStyle: bool = True, readExtentFromXml: bool = False)

Bases: sip.wrapper

Constructor for LayerOptions.


NoMarker = 2
RemoveFromSelection = 3
class SelectBehavior

Bases: int

SemiTransparentCircle = 0
SetSelection = 0
Success = 0
class VertexMarkerType

Bases: int

actions(self) → QgsActionManager

Returns all layer actions defined on this layer.

The pointer which is returned directly points to the actions object which is used by the layer, so any changes are immediately applied.

addAttribute(self, field: QgsField) → bool

Add an attribute field (but does not commit it) returns true if the field was added


Calls to addAttribute() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

addCurvedPart(self, ring: QgsCurve) → QgsGeometry.OperationResult


available in Python as addCurvedPart


Calls to addPart() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

addCurvedRing(self, ring: QgsCurve) → Tuple[QgsGeometry.OperationResult, int]

Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features (takes ownership)

  • ring – ring to add

  • featureId – if specified, feature ID for feature ring was added to will be stored in this parameter


QgsGeometry.OperationResult - Success - LayerNotEditable - AddRingNotInExistingFeature - InvalidInputGeometryType - AddRingNotClosed - AddRingNotValid - AddRingCrossesExistingRings


available in Python as addCurvedRing


Calls to addRing() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

addExpressionField(self, exp: str, fld: QgsField) → int

Add a new field which is calculated by the expression specified

  • exp – The expression which calculates the field

  • fld – The field to calculate


The index of the new field

New in version 2.9.

addFeature(self, feature: QgsFeature, flags: Union[QgsFeatureSink.Flags, QgsFeatureSink.Flag] = 0) → bool
addFeatures(self, features: object, flags: Union[QgsFeatureSink.Flags, QgsFeatureSink.Flag] = 0) → bool
addJoin(self, joinInfo: QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo) → bool

Joins another vector layer to this layer


joinInfo – join object containing join layer id, target and source field


since 2.6 returns bool indicating whether the join can be added *

addPart(self, ring: Iterable[QgsPointXY]) → QgsGeometry.OperationResult

Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature


QgsGeometry.OperationResult - Success - LayerNotEditable - SelectionIsEmpty - SelectionIsGreaterThanOne - AddPartSelectedGeometryNotFound - AddPartNotMultiGeometry - InvalidBaseGeometry - InvalidInputGeometryType


Calls to addPart() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

addPartV2(self, ring: object) → QgsGeometry.OperationResult

Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature


QgsGeometry.OperationResult - Success - LayerNotEditable - SelectionIsEmpty - SelectionIsGreaterThanOne - AddPartSelectedGeometryNotFound - AddPartNotMultiGeometry - InvalidBaseGeometry - InvalidInputGeometryType


available in Python bindings as addPartV2


Calls to addPart() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

addRing(self, ring: Iterable[QgsPointXY]) → Tuple[QgsGeometry.OperationResult, int]

Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features

  • ring – ring to add

  • featureId – if specified, feature ID for feature ring was added to will be stored in this parameter


QgsGeometry.OperationResult - Success - LayerNotEditable - AddRingNotInExistingFeature - InvalidInputGeometryType - AddRingNotClosed - AddRingNotValid - AddRingCrossesExistingRings


Calls to addRing() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

addTopologicalPoints(self, geom: QgsGeometry) → int

Adds topological points for every vertex of the geometry.


geom – the geometry where each vertex is added to segments of other features


0 in case of success


geom is not going to be modified by the function


Calls to addTopologicalPoints() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

addTopologicalPoints(self, p: QgsPointXY) -> int Adds a vertex to segments which intersect point p but don’t already have a vertex there. If a feature already has a vertex at position p, no additional vertex is inserted. This method is useful for topological editing.


p – position of the vertex


0 in case of success


Calls to addTopologicalPoints() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().


Is emitted, after changes are rolled back

New in version 3.4: [signal]

aggregate(self, aggregate: QgsAggregateCalculator.Aggregate, fieldOrExpression: str, parameters: QgsAggregateCalculator.AggregateParameters = QgsAggregateCalculator.AggregateParameters(), context: QgsExpressionContext = None) → Tuple[Any, bool]

Calculates an aggregated value from the layer’s features.

  • aggregate – aggregate to calculate

  • fieldOrExpression – source field or expression to use as basis for aggregated values.

  • parameters – parameters controlling aggregate calculation

  • context – expression context for expressions and filters

  • ok – if specified, will be set to true if aggregate calculation was successful


calculated aggregate value

New in version 2.16.


Emitted whenever the allowCommitChanged() property of this layer changes.

New in version 3.4: [signal]


Will be emitted, when a new attribute has been added to this vector layer. Applies only to types QgsFields.OriginEdit, QgsFields.OriginProvider and QgsFields.OriginExpression


idx – The index of the new attribute

See also

updatedFields() [signal]

attributeAlias(self, index: int) → str

Returns the alias of an attribute name or a null string if there is no alias.

see {attributeDisplayName( int attributeIndex )} which returns the field name if no alias is defined.

attributeAliases(self) → Dict[str, str]

Returns a map of field name to attribute alias


Will be emitted, when an attribute has been deleted from this vector layer. Applies only to types QgsFields.OriginEdit, QgsFields.OriginProvider and QgsFields.OriginExpression


idx – The index of the deleted attribute

See also

updatedFields() [signal]

attributeDisplayName(self, index: int) → str

Convenience function that returns the attribute alias if defined or the field name else

attributeList(self) → List[int]

Returns list of attribute indexes. i.e. a list from 0 … fieldCount()

attributeTableConfig(self) → QgsAttributeTableConfig

Returns the attribute table configuration object. This defines the appearance of the attribute table.


Is emitted whenever an attribute value change is done in the edit buffer. Note that at this point the attribute change is not yet saved to the provider.

  • fid – The id of the changed feature

  • idx – The attribute index of the changed attribute

  • value – The new value of the attribute [signal]

auxiliaryLayer(self) → QgsAuxiliaryLayer

Returns the current auxiliary layer.

New in version 3.0.


Will be emitted, when an expression field is going to be added to this vector layer. Applies only to types QgsFields.OriginExpression


fieldName – The name of the attribute to be added [signal]


Is emitted, before changes are committed to the data provider [signal]


Is emitted, before editing on this layer is started [signal]


Is emitted, when layer is checked for modifications. Use for last-minute additions [signal]


Will be emitted, when an expression field is going to be deleted from this vector layer. Applies only to types QgsFields.OriginExpression


idx – The index of the attribute to be deleted [signal]


Is emitted, before changes are rolled back [signal]

beginEditCommand(self, text: str)

Create edit command for undo/redo operations


text – text which is to be displayed in undo window

boundingBoxOfSelected(self) → QgsRectangle

Returns the bounding box of the selected features. If there is no selection, QgsRectangle(0,0,0,0) is returned

capabilitiesString(self) → str

Capabilities for this layer, comma separated and translated.

changeAttributeValue(self, fid: int, field: int, newValue: Any, oldValue: Any = None, skipDefaultValues: bool = False) → bool

Changes an attribute value for a feature (but does not immediately commit the changes). The fid argument specifies the ID of the feature to be changed.

The field argument must specify a valid field index for the layer (where an index of 0 corresponds to the first field).

The new value to be assigned to the field is given by newValue.

If a valid QVariant is specified for oldValue, it will be used as the field value in the case of an undo operation corresponding to this attribute value change. If an invalid QVariant is used (the default behavior), then the feature’s current value will be automatically retrieved and used. Note that this involves a feature request to the underlying data provider, so it is more efficient to explicitly pass an oldValue if it is already available.

If skipDefaultValues is set to true, default field values will not be updated. This can be used to override default field value expressions.

Returns true if the feature’s attribute was successfully changed.


Calls to changeAttributeValue() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

See also


See also


See also


See also


changeAttributeValues(self, fid: int, newValues: Dict[int, Any], oldValues: Dict[int, Any] = {}, skipDefaultValues: bool = False) → bool

Changes attributes’ values for a feature (but does not immediately commit the changes). The fid argument specifies the ID of the feature to be changed.

The new values to be assigned to the fields are given by newValues.

If a valid QVariant is specified for a field in oldValues, it will be used as the field value in the case of an undo operation corresponding to this attribute value change. If an invalid QVariant is used (the default behavior), then the feature’s current value will be automatically retrieved and used. Note that this involves a feature request to the underlying data provider, so it is more efficient to explicitly pass an oldValue if it is already available.

If skipDefaultValues is set to true, default field values will not be updated. This can be used to override default field value expressions.

Returns true if feature’s attributes was successfully changed.


Calls to changeAttributeValues() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

See also


See also


See also


See also


New in version 3.0.

changeGeometry(self, fid: int, geometry: QgsGeometry, skipDefaultValue: bool = False) → bool

Changes a feature’s geometry within the layer’s edit buffer (but does not immediately commit the changes). The fid argument specifies the ID of the feature to be changed.

If skipDefaultValue is set to true, default field values will not be updated. This can be used to override default field value expressions.

Returns true if the feature’s geometry was successfully changed.


Calls to changeGeometry() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

See also


See also


See also


clone(self) → QgsVectorLayer

Returns a new instance equivalent to this one. A new provider is created for the same data source and renderers for features and diagrams are cloned too. Moreover, each attributes (transparency, extent, selected features and so on) are identicals.


a new layer instance

New in version 3.0.

commitChanges(self) → bool

Attempts to commit to the underlying data provider any buffered changes made since the last to call to startEditing().

Returns the result of the attempt. If a commit fails (i.e. false is returned), the in-memory changes are left untouched and are not discarded. This allows editing to continue if the commit failed on e.g. a disallowed value in a Postgres database - the user can re-edit and try again.

The commits occur in distinct stages, (add attributes, add features, change attribute values, change geometries, delete features, delete attributes) so if a stage fails, it can be difficult to roll back cleanly. Therefore any error message returned by commitErrors() also includes which stage failed so that the user has some chance of repairing the damage cleanly.

See also


See also


See also


commitErrors(self) → List[str]

Returns a list containing any error messages generated when attempting to commit changes to the layer.

See also



This signal is emitted, when attribute value changes are saved to the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when attributes are added to the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when attributes are deleted from the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when features are added to the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when features are deleted from the provider [signal]


This signal is emitted, when geometry changes are saved to the provider [signal]

conditionalStyles(self) → QgsConditionalLayerStyles

Returns the conditional styles that are set for this layer. Style information is used to render conditional formatting in the attribute table.


Return a QgsConditionalLayerStyles object holding the conditional attribute style information. Style information is generic and can be used for anything.

New in version 2.12.

constraintDescription(self, index: int) → str

Returns the descriptive name for the constraint expression for a specified field index.

New in version 3.0.

constraintExpression(self, index: int) → str

Returns the constraint expression for for a specified field index, if set.

New in version 3.0.

countSymbolFeatures(self) → QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounter

Count features for symbols. The method will return the feature counter task. You will need to connect to the symbolFeatureCountMapChanged() signal to be notified when the freshly updated feature counts are ready.


If the count features for symbols has been already done a None is returned. If you need to wait for the results, you can call waitForFinished() on the feature counter.

New in version 3.0.

createExpressionContext(self) → QgsExpressionContext
createExpressionContextScope(self) → QgsExpressionContextScope
createMapRenderer(self, rendererContext: QgsRenderContext) → QgsMapLayerRenderer

Returns new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context

New in version 2.4.

dataComment(self) → str

Returns a description for this layer as defined in the data provider.

dataProvider(self) → QgsVectorDataProvider
decodedSource(self, source: str, provider: str, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → str
defaultValue(self, index: int, feature: QgsFeature = QgsFeature(), context: QgsExpressionContext = None) → Any

Returns the calculated default value for the specified field index. The default value may be taken from a client side default value expression (see setDefaultValueDefinition()) or taken from the underlying data provider.

  • index – field index

  • feature – optional feature to use for default value evaluation. If passed, then properties from the feature (such as geometry) can be used when calculating the default value.

  • context – optional expression context to evaluate expressions again. If not specified, a default context will be created


calculated default value

New in version 3.0.

defaultValueDefinition(self, index: int) → QgsDefaultValue

Returns the definition of the expression used when calculating the default value for a field.


index – field index


definition of the default value with the expression evaluated when calculating default values for field, or definition with an empty string if no default is set

See also


New in version 3.0.

deleteAttribute(self, attr: int) → bool

Deletes an attribute field (but does not commit it).


Calls to deleteAttribute() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

deleteAttributes(self, attrs: Iterable[int]) → bool

Deletes a list of attribute fields (but does not commit it)


attrs – the indices of the attributes to delete


true if at least one attribute has been deleted

deleteFeature(self, fid: int) → bool

Deletes a feature from the layer (but does not commit it).


Calls to deleteFeature() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

deleteFeatures(self, fids: object) → bool

Deletes a set of features from the layer (but does not commit it)


fids – The feature ids to delete


false if the layer is not in edit mode or does not support deleting in case of an active transaction depends on the provider implementation


Calls to deleteFeatures() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

deleteSelectedFeatures(self) → Tuple[bool, int]

Deletes the selected features


true in case of success and false otherwise

deleteStyleFromDatabase(self, styleId: str) → Tuple[bool, str]

Delete a style from the database


styleId – the provider’s layer_styles table id of the style to delete


  • true in case of success

  • msgError: reference to string that will be updated with any error messages

New in version 3.0.

deleteVertex(self, featureId: int, vertex: int) → QgsVectorLayer.EditResult

Deletes a vertex from a feature.

  • featureId – ID of feature to remove vertex from

  • vertex – index of vertex to delete


Calls to deleteVertex() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

New in version 2.14.

dependencies(self) → Set[QgsMapLayerDependency]

Gets the list of dependencies. This includes data dependencies set by the user (setDataDependencies()) as well as dependencies given by the provider


a set of QgsMapLayerDependency

New in version 3.0.

deselect(self, featureId: int)

Deselect feature by its ID


featureId – The id of the feature to deselect

See also


deselect(self, featureIds: object) Deselect features by their ID


featureIds – The ids of the features to deselect

See also



Destroy active command and reverts all changes in it

diagramLayerSettings(self) → QgsDiagramLayerSettings
diagramRenderer(self) → QgsDiagramRenderer
diagramsEnabled(self) → bool

Returns whether the layer contains diagrams which are enabled and should be drawn.


true if layer contains enabled diagrams

New in version 2.9.

displayExpression(self) → str

Returns the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string. Uses QgsExpression


The expression which will be used to preview features for this layer


Emitted when the display expression changes

New in version 3.0: [signal]

displayField(self) → str

This is a shorthand for accessing the displayExpression if it is a simple field. If the displayExpression is more complex than a simple field, a null string will be returned.

drawVertexMarker(x: float, y: float, p: QPainter, type: QgsVectorLayer.VertexMarkerType, vertexSize: int)

Draws a vertex symbol at (screen) coordinates x, y. (Useful to assist vertex editing.)

Deprecated since version Use: the equivalent QgsSymbolLayerUtils.drawVertexMarker function instead

editBuffer(self) → QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer

Buffer with uncommitted editing operations. Only valid after editing has been turned on.


Signal emitted, when an edit command is destroyed


This is not a rollback, it is only related to the current edit command. See beforeRollBack() [signal]


Signal emitted, when an edit command successfully ended


This does not mean it is also committed, only that it is written to the edit buffer. See beforeCommitChanges() [signal]


Signal emitted when a new edit command has been started


text – Description for this edit command [signal]

editFormConfig(self) → QgsEditFormConfig

Returns the configuration of the form used to represent this vector layer.


The configuration of this layers’ form

New in version 2.14.


Will be emitted whenever the edit form configuration of this layer changes.

New in version 3.0: [signal]


Is emitted, when editing on this layer has started [signal]


Is emitted, when edited changes successfully have been written to the data provider [signal]

editorWidgetSetup(self, index: int) → QgsEditorWidgetSetup

The editor widget setup defines which QgsFieldFormatter and editor widget will be used for the field at index.

New in version 3.0.

encodedSource(self, source: str, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → str

Finish edit command and add it to undo/redo stack

excludeAttributesWfs(self) → Set[str]

A set of attributes that are not advertised in WFS requests with QGIS server.

excludeAttributesWms(self) → Set[str]

A set of attributes that are not advertised in WMS requests with QGIS server.

expressionField(self, index: int) → str

Returns the expression used for a given expression field


index – An index of an epxression based (virtual) field


The expression for the field at index

New in version 2.9.

extent(self) → QgsRectangle

Emitted when a new feature has been added to the layer


fid – The id of the new feature [signal]

featureBlendMode(self) → QPainter.CompositionMode

Returns the current blending mode for features


Signal emitted when setFeatureBlendMode() is called [signal]

featureCount(self, legendKey: str) → int

Number of features rendered with specified legend key. Features must be first calculated by countSymbolFeatures()


number of features rendered by symbol or -1 if failed or counts are not available

featureCount(self) -> int Returns feature count including changes which have not yet been committed If you need only the count of committed features call this method on this layer’s provider.


the number of features on this layer or -1 if unknown.


Emitted when a feature has been deleted.

If you do expensive operations in a slot connected to this, you should prefer to use featuresDeleted( const :py:class:`QgsFeatureIds`& ).


fid – The id of the feature which has been deleted [signal]


Emitted when features have been deleted.

If features are deleted within an edit command, this will only be emitted once at the end to allow connected slots to minimize the overhead. If features are deleted outside of an edit command, this signal will be emitted once per feature.


fids – The feature ids that have been deleted. [signal]

fieldConstraints(self, fieldIndex: int) → QgsFieldConstraints.Constraints

Returns any constraints which are present for a specified field index. These constraints may be inherited from the layer’s data provider or may be set manually on the vector layer from within QGIS.

New in version 3.0.

fieldConstraintsAndStrength(self, fieldIndex: int) → object

Returns a map of constraint with their strength for a specific field of the layer.


fieldIndex – field index

New in version 3.0.

fields(self) → QgsFields

Returns the list of fields of this layer. This also includes fields which have not yet been saved to the provider.


A list of fields


Is emitted whenever a geometry change is done in the edit buffer. Note that at this point the geometry change is not yet saved to the provider.

  • fid – The id of the changed feature

  • geometry – The new geometry [signal]

geometryOptions(self) → QgsGeometryOptions

Configuration and logic to apply automatically on any edit happening on this layer.

New in version 3.4.

geometryType(self) → QgsWkbTypes.GeometryType

Returns point, line or polygon

getFeature(self, fid: int) → QgsFeature

Query the layer for the feature with the given id. If there is no such feature, the returned feature will be invalid.

getFeatures(self, request: QgsFeatureRequest = QgsFeatureRequest()) → QgsFeatureIterator

Query the layer for features specified in request.


request – feature request describing parameters of features to return


iterator for matching features from provider

getFeatures(self, expression: str) -> QgsFeatureIterator Query the layer for features matching a given expression.

getFeatures(self, fids: object) -> QgsFeatureIterator Query the layer for the features with the given ids.

getFeatures(self, rectangle: QgsRectangle) -> QgsFeatureIterator Query the layer for the features which intersect the specified rectangle.

getGeometry(self, fid: int) → QgsGeometry

Query the layer for the geometry at the given id. If there is no such feature, the returned geometry will be invalid.

getSelectedFeatures(self, request: QgsFeatureRequest = QgsFeatureRequest()) → QgsFeatureIterator

Returns an iterator of the selected features.


request – You may specify a request, e.g. to limit the set of requested attributes. Any filter on the request will be discarded.


Iterator over the selected features


Calling this method returns an iterator for all attributes and geometry for the selected features. Consider using the much more efficient selectedFeatureIds() or selectedFeatureCount() if you do not require access to the feature attributes or geometry.

getStyleFromDatabase(self, styleId: str) → Tuple[str, str]

Will return the named style corresponding to style id provided

hasFeatures(self) → QgsFeatureSource.FeatureAvailability

Determines if this vector layer has features.


when a layer is editable and some features have been deleted, this will return QgsFeatureSource.FeatureAvailability.FeaturesMayBeAvailable to avoid a potentially expensive call to the dataprovider.

New in version 3.4.

htmlMetadata(self) → str
insertVertex(self, x: float, y: float, atFeatureId: int, beforeVertex: int) → bool

Insert a new vertex before the given vertex number, in the given ring, item (first number is index 0), and feature Not meaningful for Point geometries


Calls to insertVertex() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

insertVertex(self, point: QgsPoint, atFeatureId: int, beforeVertex: int) -> bool Insert a new vertex before the given vertex number, in the given ring, item (first number is index 0), and feature Not meaningful for Point geometries


Calls to insertVertex() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().


Select not selected features and deselect selected ones

invertSelectionInRectangle(self, rect: QgsRectangle)

Invert selection of features found within the search rectangle (in layer’s coordinates)


rect – The rectangle in which the selection of features will be inverted

isAuxiliaryField(self, index: int) → Tuple[bool, int]

Returns true if the field comes from the auxiliary layer, false otherwise.

New in version 3.0.

isEditCommandActive(self) → bool

Test if an edit command is active

New in version 3.0.

isEditable(self) → bool

Returns true if the provider is in editing mode

isModified(self) → bool

Returns true if the provider has been modified since the last commit

isSpatial(self) → bool

Returns true if this is a geometry layer and false in case of NoGeometry (table only) or UnknownGeometry

joinBuffer(self) → QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer

Returns the join buffer object.

New in version 2.14.7.

labeling(self) → QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling

Access to labeling configuration. May be null if labeling is not used.


Labels will only be rendered if labelsEnabled() returns true.

See also


New in version 3.0.


Emitted when the font family defined for labeling layer is not found on system [signal]

labelsEnabled(self) → bool

Returns whether the layer contains labels which are enabled and should be drawn.


true if layer contains enabled labels

New in version 2.9.


This signal is emitted when modifications has been done on layer [signal]

listStylesInDatabase(self) → Tuple[int, List[str], List[str], List[str], str]

Lists all the style in db split into related to the layer and not related to

  • ids – the list in which will be stored the style db ids

  • names – the list in which will be stored the style names

  • msgError


  • the number of styles related to current layer

  • descriptions: the list in which will be stored the style descriptions


Since QGIS 3.2 Styles related to the layer are ordered with the default style first then by update time for Postgres, MySQL and Spatialite.

loadAuxiliaryLayer(self, storage: QgsAuxiliaryStorage, key: str = '') → bool

Loads the auxiliary layer for this vector layer. If there’s no corresponding table in the database, then nothing happens and false is returned. The key is optional because if this layer has been read from a XML document, then the key read in this document is used by default.

  • storage – The auxiliary storage where to look for the table

  • key – The key to use for joining.


true if the auxiliary layer is well loaded, false otherwise

New in version 3.0.

loadDefaultStyle(self) → Tuple[str, bool]
loadNamedStyle(self, theURI: str, loadFromLocalDb: bool, categories: Union[QgsMapLayer.StyleCategories, QgsMapLayer.StyleCategory] = QgsMapLayer.AllStyleCategories) → Tuple[str, bool]

Load a named style from file/local db/datasource db

  • theURI – the URI of the style or the URI of the layer

  • resultFlag – will be set to true if a named style is correctly loaded

  • loadFromLocalDb – if true forces to load from local db instead of datasource one

  • categories – the style categories to be loaded.

loadNamedStyle(self, theURI: str, categories: Union[QgsMapLayer.StyleCategories, QgsMapLayer.StyleCategory] = QgsMapLayer.AllStyleCategories) -> Tuple[str, bool] Calls loadNamedStyle( theURI, resultFlag, false ); Retained for backward compatibility

mapTipTemplate(self) → str

The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.

It may also contain embedded expressions.

New in version 3.0.


Emitted when the map tip changes

New in version 3.0: [signal]

maximumValue(self, index: int) → Any

Returns the maximum value for an attribute column or an invalid variant in case of error. Note that in some circumstances when unsaved changes are present for the layer then the returned value may be outdated (for instance when the attribute value in a saved feature has been changed inside the edit buffer then the previous saved value may be returned as the maximum).

See also


See also


minimumValue(self, index: int) → Any

Returns the minimum value for an attribute column or an invalid variant in case of error. Note that in some circumstances when unsaved changes are present for the layer then the returned value may be outdated (for instance when the attribute value in a saved feature has been changed inside the edit buffer then the previous saved value may be returned as the minimum).

See also


See also


modifySelection(self, selectIds: object, deselectIds: object)

Modifies the current selection on this layer

  • selectIds – Select these ids

  • deselectIds – Deselect these ids

See also


See also


See also


moveVertex(self, x: float, y: float, atFeatureId: int, atVertex: int) → bool

Moves the vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature to the given coordinates


Calls to moveVertex() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

moveVertexV2(self, p: QgsPoint, atFeatureId: int, atVertex: int) → bool

Moves the vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature to the given coordinates


available in Python as moveVertexV2


Calls to moveVertex() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

opacity(self) → float

Returns the opacity for the vector layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).

See also


See also


New in version 3.0.


Emitted when the layer’s opacity is changed, where opacity is a value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).

See also


See also


New in version 3.0: [signal]

primaryKeyAttributes(self) → List[int]

Returns the list of attributes which make up the layer’s primary keys.


Signals an error related to this vector layer. [signal]


Signal emitted whenever the symbology (QML-file) for this layer is being read. If there is custom style information saved in the file, you can connect to this signal and update the layer style accordingly.

  • element – The XML layer style element.

  • errorMessage – Write error messages into this string. [signal]

readExtentFromXml(self) → bool

Returns true if the extent is read from the XML document when data source has no metadata, false if it’s the data provider which determines it.

New in version 3.0.


Emitted when the read only state of this layer is changed. Only applies to manually set readonly state, not to the edit mode.

New in version 3.0: [signal]

readSld(self, node: QDomNode, errorMessage: str) → bool
readStyle(self, node: QDomNode, errorMessage: str, context: QgsReadWriteContext, categories: Union[QgsMapLayer.StyleCategories, QgsMapLayer.StyleCategory] = QgsMapLayer.AllStyleCategories) → bool

Read the style for the current layer from the Dom node supplied.

  • node – node that will contain the style definition for this layer.

  • errorMessage – reference to string that will be updated with any error messages

  • context – reading context (used for transform from relative to absolute paths)

  • categories – the style categories to be read


true in case of success.

readSymbology(self, layerNode: QDomNode, errorMessage: str, context: QgsReadWriteContext, categories: Union[QgsMapLayer.StyleCategories, QgsMapLayer.StyleCategory] = QgsMapLayer.AllStyleCategories) → bool

Read the symbology for the current layer from the Dom node supplied.

  • layerNode – node that will contain the symbology definition for this layer.

  • errorMessage – reference to string that will be updated with any error messages

  • context – reading context (used for transform from relative to absolute paths)

  • categories – the style categories to be read


true in case of success.

readXml(self, layer_node: QDomNode, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → bool

Reads vector layer specific state from project file Dom node.


Called by QgsMapLayer.readXml()

referencingRelations(self, idx: int) → List[QgsRelation]

Returns the layer’s relations, where the foreign key is on this layer.


idx – Only get relations, where idx forms part of the foreign key


A list of relations


Synchronises with changes in the datasource

removeExpressionField(self, index: int)

Remove an expression field


index – The index of the field

New in version 2.6.

removeFieldAlias(self, index: int)

Removes an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs

New in version 3.0.

removeFieldConstraint(self, index: int, constraint: QgsFieldConstraints.Constraint)

Removes a constraint for a specified field index. Any constraints inherited from the layer’s data provider will be kept intact and cannot be removed.

New in version 3.0.

removeJoin(self, joinLayerId: str) → bool

Removes a vector layer join


true if join was found and successfully removed *


Clear selection

See also


renameAttribute(self, index: int, newName: str) → bool

Renames an attribute field (but does not commit it).

  • index – attribute index

  • newName – new name of field


Calls to renameAttribute() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

New in version 2.16.

renderer(self) → QgsFeatureRenderer

Returns renderer.

resolveReferences(self, project: QgsProject)

Resolve references to other layers (kept as layer IDs after reading XML) into layer objects.

New in version 3.0.

rollBack(self, deleteBuffer: bool = True) → bool

Stops a current editing operation and discards any uncommitted edits.

If deleteBuffer is true the editing buffer will be completely deleted (the default behavior).

See also


See also


saveStyleToDatabase(self, name: str, description: str, useAsDefault: bool, uiFileContent: str) → str

Save named and sld style of the layer to the style table in the db.

  • name

  • description

  • useAsDefault

  • uiFileContent

select(self, featureId: int)

Select feature by its ID


featureId – The id of the feature to select

See also


select(self, featureIds: object) Select features by their ID


featureIds – The ids of the features to select

See also



Select all the features

selectByExpression(self, expression: str, behavior: QgsVectorLayer.SelectBehavior = QgsVectorLayer.SetSelection)

Select matching features using an expression.

  • expression – expression to evaluate to select features

  • behavior – selection type, allows adding to current selection, removing from selection, etc.

See also


See also


New in version 2.16.

selectByIds(self, ids: object, behavior: QgsVectorLayer.SelectBehavior = QgsVectorLayer.SetSelection)

Select matching features using a list of feature IDs. Will emit the selectionChanged() signal with the clearAndSelect flag set.

  • ids – feature IDs to select

  • behavior – selection type, allows adding to current selection, removing from selection, etc.

See also


New in version 2.16.

selectByRect(self, rect: QgsRectangle, behavior: QgsVectorLayer.SelectBehavior = QgsVectorLayer.SetSelection)

Select features found within the search rectangle (in layer’s coordinates)

  • rect – search rectangle

  • behavior – selection type, allows adding to current selection, removing from selection, etc.

See also


selectedFeatureCount(self) → int

Returns the number of features that are selected in this layer.

selectedFeatureIds(self) → object

Returns a list of the selected features IDs in this layer.

See also


selectedFeatures(self) → object

Returns a copy of the user-selected features.


Calling this method triggers a request for all attributes and geometry for the selected features. Consider using the much more efficient selectedFeatureIds() or selectedFeatureCount() if you do not require access to the feature attributes or geometry.


A list of QgsFeature


This signal is emitted when selection was changed

  • selected – Newly selected feature ids

  • deselected – Ids of all features which have previously been selected but are not any more

  • clearAndSelect – In case this is set to true, the old selection was dismissed and the new selection corresponds to selected [signal]

setAttributeTableConfig(self, attributeTableConfig: QgsAttributeTableConfig)

Set the attribute table configuration object. This defines the appearance of the attribute table.

setAuxiliaryLayer(self, layer: QgsAuxiliaryLayer = None)

Sets the current auxiliary layer. The auxiliary layer is automatically put in editable mode and fields are updated. Moreover, a join is created between the current layer and the auxiliary layer. Ownership is transferred.

New in version 3.0.

setConstraintExpression(self, index: int, expression: str, description: str = '')

Set the constraint expression for the specified field index. An optional descriptive name for the constraint can also be set. Setting an empty expression will clear any existing expression constraint.

New in version 3.0.


Setup the coordinate system transformation for the layer

setDataSource(self, dataSource: str, baseName: str, provider: str, loadDefaultStyleFlag: bool = False)

Update the data source of the layer. The layer’s renderer and legend will be preserved only if the geometry type of the new data source matches the current geometry type of the layer.

  • dataSource – new layer data source

  • baseName – base name of the layer

  • provider – provider string

  • loadDefaultStyleFlag – set to true to reset the layer’s style to the default for the data source

New in version 2.10.

Deprecated since version Use: version with ProviderOptions argument instead

setDataSource(self, dataSource: str, baseName: str, provider: str, options: QgsDataProvider.ProviderOptions, loadDefaultStyleFlag: bool = False) Updates the data source of the layer. The layer’s renderer and legend will be preserved only if the geometry type of the new data source matches the current geometry type of the layer.

  • dataSource – new layer data source

  • baseName – base name of the layer

  • provider – provider string

  • options – provider options

  • loadDefaultStyleFlag – set to true to reset the layer’s style to the default for the data source

See also


New in version 3.2.

setDefaultValueDefinition(self, index: int, definition: QgsDefaultValue)

Sets the definition of the expression to use when calculating the default value for a field.

  • index – field index

  • definition – default value definition to use and evaluate when calculating default values for field. Pass an empty expression to clear the default.

See also


New in version 3.0.

setDependencies(self, layers: Iterable[QgsMapLayerDependency]) → bool

Sets the list of dependencies.

See also



layers – set of QgsMapLayerDependency. Only user-defined dependencies will be added


false if a dependency cycle has been detected

New in version 3.0.

setDiagramLayerSettings(self, s: QgsDiagramLayerSettings)
setDiagramRenderer(self, r: QgsDiagramRenderer)

Sets diagram rendering object (takes ownership)

setDisplayExpression(self, displayExpression: str)

Set the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string. Used e.g. in the attribute table feature list. Uses QgsExpression.


displayExpression – The expression which will be used to preview features for this layer

setEditFormConfig(self, editFormConfig: QgsEditFormConfig)

Set the editFormConfig (configuration) of the form used to represent this vector layer.

See also


New in version 3.0.

setEditorWidgetSetup(self, index: int, setup: QgsEditorWidgetSetup)

copydoc editorWidgetSetup

setExcludeAttributesWfs(self, att: Iterable[str])

A set of attributes that are not advertised in WFS requests with QGIS server.

setExcludeAttributesWms(self, att: Iterable[str])

A set of attributes that are not advertised in WMS requests with QGIS server.

setExtent(self, rect: QgsRectangle)

Sets the extent

setFeatureBlendMode(self, blendMode: QPainter.CompositionMode)

Sets the blending mode used for rendering each feature

setFieldAlias(self, index: int, aliasString: str)

Sets an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs

New in version 3.0.

setFieldConstraint(self, index: int, constraint: QgsFieldConstraints.Constraint, strength: QgsFieldConstraints.ConstraintStrength = QgsFieldConstraints.ConstraintStrengthHard)

Sets a constraint for a specified field index. Any constraints inherited from the layer’s data provider will be kept intact and cannot be modified. Ie, calling this method only allows for new constraints to be added on top of the existing provider constraints.

New in version 3.0.

setLabeling(self, labeling: QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling)

Set labeling configuration. Takes ownership of the object.

New in version 3.0.

setLabelsEnabled(self, enabled: bool)

Sets whether labels should be enabled for the layer.


Labels will only be rendered if labelsEnabled() is true and a labeling object is returned by labeling().

See also


See also


setMapTipTemplate(self, mapTipTemplate: str)

The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.

It may also contain embedded expressions.

New in version 3.0.

setOpacity(self, opacity: float)

Sets the opacity for the vector layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).

See also


See also


New in version 3.0.

setProviderEncoding(self, encoding: str)

Sets the textencoding of the data provider

setReadExtentFromXml(self, readExtentFromXml: bool)

Flag allowing to indicate if the extent has to be read from the XML document when data source has no metadata or if the data provider has to determine it.

New in version 3.0.

setReadOnly(self, readonly: bool = True) → bool

Make layer read-only (editing disabled) or not


false if the layer is in editing yet

setRenderer(self, r: QgsFeatureRenderer)

Set renderer which will be invoked to represent this layer. Ownership is transferred.

setSimplifyMethod(self, simplifyMethod: QgsVectorSimplifyMethod)

Set the simplification settings for fast rendering of features

New in version 2.2.

setSubsetString(self, subset: str) → bool

Set the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer


subset – The subset string. This may be the where clause of a sql statement or other definition string specific to the underlying dataprovider and data store.


true, when setting the subset string was successful, false otherwise

simplifyDrawingCanbeApplied(self, renderContext: QgsRenderContext, simplifyHint: QgsVectorSimplifyMethod.SimplifyHint) → bool

Returns whether the VectorLayer can apply the specified simplification hint


Do not use in 3rd party code - may be removed in future version!

New in version 2.2.

simplifyMethod(self) → QgsVectorSimplifyMethod

Returns the simplification settings for fast rendering of features

New in version 2.2.

sourceCrs(self) → QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
sourceExtent(self) → QgsRectangle
sourceName(self) → str
splitFeatures(self, splitLine: Iterable[QgsPointXY], topologicalEditing: bool = False) → QgsGeometry.OperationResult

Splits features cut by the given line

  • splitLine – line that splits the layer features

  • topologicalEditing – true if topological editing is enabled


QgsGeometry.OperationResult - Success - NothingHappened - LayerNotEditable - InvalidInputGeometryType - InvalidBaseGeometry - GeometryEngineError - SplitCannotSplitPoint


Calls to splitFeatures() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

splitParts(self, splitLine: Iterable[QgsPointXY], topologicalEditing: bool = False) → QgsGeometry.OperationResult

Splits parts cut by the given line

  • splitLine – line that splits the layer features

  • topologicalEditing – true if topological editing is enabled


QgsGeometry.OperationResult - Success - NothingHappened - LayerNotEditable - InvalidInputGeometryType - InvalidBaseGeometry - GeometryEngineError - SplitCannotSplitPoint


Calls to splitParts() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

startEditing(self) → bool

Makes the layer editable.

This starts an edit session on this layer. Changes made in this edit session will not be made persistent until commitChanges() is called, and can be reverted by calling rollBack().

Returns true if the layer was successfully made editable, or false if the operation failed (e.g. due to an underlying read-only data source, or lack of edit support by the backend data provider).

See also


See also


storageType(self) → str

Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name. This is obtained from the data provider and does not follow any standard.

subsetString(self) → str

Returns the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer.


The subset string or null QString if not implemented by the provider


Emitted when the layer’s subset string has changed.

New in version 3.2: [signal]


Emitted when the feature count for symbols on this layer has been recalculated.

New in version 3.0: [signal]

translateFeature(self, featureId: int, dx: float, dy: float) → int

Translates feature by dx, dy

  • featureId – id of the feature to translate

  • dx – translation of x-coordinate

  • dy – translation of y-coordinate


0 in case of success


Calls to translateFeature() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().

uniqueStringsMatching(self, index: int, substring: str, limit: int = -1, feedback: QgsFeedback = None) → List[str]

Returns unique string values of an attribute which contain a specified subset string. Subset matching is done in a case-insensitive manner. Note that in some circumstances when unsaved changes are present for the layer then the returned list may contain outdated values (for instance when the attribute value in a saved feature has been changed inside the edit buffer then the previous saved value will be included in the returned list).

  • index – column index for attribute

  • substring – substring to match (case insensitive)

  • limit – maxmum number of the values to return, or -1 to return all unique values

  • feedback – optional feedback object for canceling request


list of unique strings containing substring

uniqueValues(self, fieldIndex: int, limit: int = -1) → Set[Any]

Calculates a list of unique values contained within an attribute in the layer. Note that in some circumstances when unsaved changes are present for the layer then the returned list may contain outdated values (for instance when the attribute value in a saved feature has been changed inside the edit buffer then the previous saved value will be included in the returned list).

  • fieldIndex – column index for attribute

  • limit – maximum number of values to return (or -1 if unlimited)

See also


See also


updateExpressionField(self, index: int, exp: str)

Changes the expression used to define an expression based (virtual) field

  • index – The index of the expression to change

  • exp – The new expression to set

New in version 2.9.

updateExtents(self, force: bool = False)

Update the extents for the layer. This is necessary if features are added/deleted or the layer has been subsetted.


force – true to update layer extent even if it’s read from xml by default, false otherwise

updateFeature(self, feature: QgsFeature, skipDefaultValues: bool = False) → bool

Updates an existing feature in the layer, replacing the attributes and geometry for the feature with matching with the attributes and geometry from feature. Changes are not immediately committed to the layer.

If skipDefaultValue is set to true, default field values will not be updated. This can be used to override default field value expressions.

Returns true if the feature’s attribute was successfully changed.


Calls to updateFeature() are only valid for layers in which edits have been enabled by a call to startEditing(). Changes made to features using this method are not committed to the underlying data provider until a commitChanges() call is made. Any uncommitted changes can be discarded by calling rollBack().


This method needs to query the underlying data provider to fetch the feature with matching on every call. Depending on the underlying data source this can be slow to execute. Consider using the more efficient changeAttributeValue() or changeGeometry() methods instead.

See also


See also


See also



Will regenerate the fields property of this layer by obtaining all fields from the dataProvider, joined fields and virtual fields. It will also take any changes made to default values into consideration.


Unless the fields on the provider have directly been modified, there is no reason to call this method.


Is emitted, whenever the fields available from this layer have been changed. This can be due to manually adding attributes or due to a join. [signal]

vectorJoins(self) → List[QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo]
wkbType(self) → QgsWkbTypes.Type

Returns the WKBType or WKBUnknown in case of error


Signal emitted whenever the symbology (QML-file) for this layer is being written. If there is custom style information you want to save to the file, you can connect to this signal and update the element accordingly.

  • element – The XML element where you can add additional style information to.

  • doc – The XML document that you can use to create new XML nodes.

  • errorMessage – Write error messages into this string. [signal]

writeSld(self, node: QDomNode, doc: QDomDocument, errorMessage: str, props: Dict[str, str] = {}) → bool

Writes the symbology of the layer into the document provided in SLD 1.1 format

  • node – the node that will have the style element added to it.

  • doc – the document that will have the QDomNode added.

  • errorMessage – reference to string that will be updated with any error messages

  • props – a open ended set of properties that can drive/inform the SLD encoding


true in case of success

writeStyle(self, node: QDomNode, doc: QDomDocument, errorMessage: str, context: QgsReadWriteContext, categories: Union[QgsMapLayer.StyleCategories, QgsMapLayer.StyleCategory] = QgsMapLayer.AllStyleCategories) → bool

Write just the style information for the layer into the document

  • node – the node that will have the style element added to it.

  • doc – the document that will have the QDomNode added.

  • errorMessage – reference to string that will be updated with any error messages

  • context – writing context (used for transform from absolute to relative paths)

  • categories – the style categories to be written


true in case of success.

writeSymbology(self, node: QDomNode, doc: QDomDocument, errorMessage: str, context: QgsReadWriteContext, categories: Union[QgsMapLayer.StyleCategories, QgsMapLayer.StyleCategory] = QgsMapLayer.AllStyleCategories) → bool

Write the symbology for the layer into the docment provided.

  • node – the node that will have the style element added to it.

  • doc – the document that will have the QDomNode added.

  • errorMessage – reference to string that will be updated with any error messages

  • context – writing context (used for transform from absolute to relative paths)

  • categories – the style categories to be written


true in case of success.

writeXml(self, layer_node: QDomNode, doc: QDomDocument, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → bool

Write vector layer specific state to project file Dom node.


Called by QgsMapLayer.writeXml()