Subgroup: Symbol

Class: QgsSymbolLayerUtils

class qgis.core.QgsSymbolLayerUtils

Bases: sip.wrapper



applyScaleDependency Checks if the properties contain scaleMinDenom and scaleMaxDenom, if available, they are added into the SE Rule element
blurImageInPlace Blurs an image in place, e.g.
colorFromMimeData Attempts to parse mime data as a color
colorListFromMimeData Attempts to parse mime data as a list of named colors
colorListToMimeData Creates mime data from a list of named colors
colorRampPreviewIcon Returns an icon preview for a color ramp.
colorRampPreviewPixmap Returns a pixmap preview for a color ramp.
colorRampToVariant Saves a color ramp to a QVariantMap, wrapped in a QVariant.
colorToMimeData Creates mime data from a color.
colorToName Returns a friendly display name for a color
createAnchorPointElement Creates a SE 1.1 anchor point element as a child of the specified element
createExpressionElement Creates a OGC Expression element based on the provided function expression
decodeArrowHeadType Decodes a value representing an arrow head type.
decodeArrowType Decodes a value representing an arrow type.
decodePoint Decodes a QSizeF from a string.
decodeSize Decodes a QSizeF from a string.
decodeSldUom Decodes a SLD unit of measure string to a render unit.
encodePoint Encodes a QPointF to a string.
encodeSize Encodes a QSizeF to a string.
encodeSldUom Encodes a render unit into an SLD unit of measure string.
estimateMaxSymbolBleed Returns the maximum estimated bleed for the symbol
fieldOrExpressionFromExpression Returns a field name if the whole expression is just a name of the field .
fieldOrExpressionToExpression Returns a new valid expression instance for given field or expression string.
getSvgParametricPath Encodes a reference to a parametric SVG into a path with parameters according to the SVG Parameters spec
importColorsFromGpl Imports colors from a gpl GIMP palette file
listSvgFiles Returns a list of all available svg files
listSvgFilesAt Returns a list of svg files at the specified directory
loadColorRamp Creates a color ramp from the settings encoded in an XML element
loadSymbol Attempts to load a symbol from a DOM element
loadSymbolLayer Reads and returns symbol layer from XML.
loadSymbols Reads a collection of symbols from XML and returns them in a map.
mergeScaleDependencies Merges the local scale limits, if any, with the ones already in the map, if any
multiplyImageOpacity Multiplies opacity of image pixel values with a (global) transparency value.
ogrFeatureStyleBrush Create ogr feature style string for brush
ogrFeatureStylePen Create ogr feature style string for pen
parametricSvgToSld Encodes a reference to a parametric SVG into SLD, as a succession of parametric SVG using URL parameters, a fallback SVG without parameters, and a final fallback as a mark with the right colors and stroke for systems that cannot do SVG at all
parseColor Attempts to parse a string as a color using a variety of common formats, including hex codes, rgb and rgba strings.
parseColorList Attempts to parse a string as a list of colors using a variety of common formats, including hex codes, rgb and rgba strings.
parseColorWithAlpha Attempts to parse a string as a color using a variety of common formats, including hex codes, rgb and rgba strings.
pointInPolygon Calculate whether a point is within of a QPolygonF
pointOnLineWithDistance Returns a point on the line from startPoint to directionPoint that is a certain distance away from the starting point
polygonCentroid Calculate the centroid point of a QPolygonF
polygonPointOnSurface Calculate a point within of a QPolygonF
premultiplyColor Converts a QColor into a premultiplied ARGB QColor value using a specified alpha value
prettyBreaks Computes a sequence of about ‘classes’ equally spaced round values which cover the range of values from ‘minimum’ to ‘maximum’.
rescaleArrayUom Rescales the given array based on the uomScale found in the props, if any is found, otherwise returns a copy of the original point
rescalePointUom Rescales the given point based on the uomScale found in the props, if any is found, otherwise returns a copy of the original point
rescaleUom Rescales the given size based on the uomScale found in the props, if any is found, otherwise returns the value un-modified
saveColorRamp Encodes a color ramp’s settings to an XML element
saveColorsToGpl Exports colors to a gpl GIMP palette file
saveSymbol Writes a symbol definition to XML
saveSymbols Writes a collection of symbols to XML with specified tagName for the top-level element
sizeInPixelsFromSldUom Returns the size scaled in pixels according to the uom attribute.
sortVariantList Sorts the passed list in requested order
svgSymbolNameToPath Determines an SVG symbol’s path from its name.
svgSymbolPathToName Determines an SVG symbol’s name from its path.
symbolFromMimeData Attempts to parse mime data as a symbol.
symbolLayerPreviewIcon Draws a symbol layer preview to an icon.
symbolLayerPreviewPicture Draws a symbol layer preview to a QPicture
symbolPreviewIcon Returns an icon preview for a color ramp.
symbolPreviewPixmap Returns a pixmap preview for a color ramp.
symbolProperties Returns a string representing the symbol.
symbolToMimeData Creates new mime data from a symbol.



applyScaleDependency(doc: QDomDocument, ruleElem: QDomElement, props: Dict[str, str])

Checks if the properties contain scaleMinDenom and scaleMaxDenom, if available, they are added into the SE Rule element

New in version 3.0.

blurImageInPlace(image: QImage, rect: QRect, radius: int, alphaOnly: bool)

Blurs an image in place, e.g. creating Qt-independent drop shadows

clearSymbolMap(symbols: object)
colorFromMimeData(data: QMimeData) → Tuple[QColor, bool]

Attempts to parse mime data as a color

  • data – mime data to parse
  • hasAlpha – will be set to true if mime data was interpreted as a color containing an explicit alpha value

valid color if mimedata could be interpreted as a color, otherwise an invalid color

New in version 2.5.

colorListFromMimeData(data: QMimeData) → object

Attempts to parse mime data as a list of named colors

Parameters:data – mime data to parse
Returns:list of parsed colors

New in version 2.5.

colorListToMimeData(colorList: object, allFormats: bool = True) → QMimeData

Creates mime data from a list of named colors

  • colorList – list of named colors
  • allFormats – set to true to include additional mime formats, include text/plain and application/x-color

mime data containing encoded colors

New in version 2.5.

colorRampPreviewIcon(ramp: QgsColorRamp, size: QSize, padding: int = 0) → QIcon

Returns an icon preview for a color ramp.

  • ramp – color ramp
  • size – target icon size
  • padding – space between icon edge and color ramp
colorRampPreviewPixmap(ramp: QgsColorRamp, size: QSize, padding: int = 0) → QPixmap

Returns a pixmap preview for a color ramp.

  • ramp – color ramp
  • size – target pixmap size
  • padding – space between icon edge and color ramp
colorRampToVariant(name: str, ramp: QgsColorRamp) → Any

Saves a color ramp to a QVariantMap, wrapped in a QVariant. You can use QgsXmlUtils.writeVariant to save it to an XML document.

See also


colorToMimeData(color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → QMimeData

Creates mime data from a color. Sets both the mime data’s color data, and the mime data’s text with the color’s hex code.

Parameters:color – color to encode as mime data

New in version 2.5.

colorToName(color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → str

Returns a friendly display name for a color

Parameters:color – source color
Returns:display name for color

New in version 2.5.

convertPolygonSymbolizerToPointMarker(element: QDomElement, layerList: object) → bool
createAnchorPointElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, anchor: Union[QPointF, QPoint])

Creates a SE 1.1 anchor point element as a child of the specified element

  • doc – The document
  • element – The parent element
  • anchor – An anchor specification, with values between 0 and 1
createDisplacementElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, offset: Union[QPointF, QPoint])
createExpressionElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, function: str) → bool

Creates a OGC Expression element based on the provided function expression

  • doc – The document owning the element
  • element – The element parent
  • function – The expression to be encoded
createFillLayerFromSld(element: QDomElement) → QgsSymbolLayer
createFunctionElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, function: str) → bool
createGeometryElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, geomFunc: str)
createLineLayerFromSld(element: QDomElement) → QgsSymbolLayer
createMarkerLayerFromSld(element: QDomElement) → QgsSymbolLayer
createOnlineResourceElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, path: str, format: str)
createOpacityElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, alphaFunc: str)
createRotationElement(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, rotationFunc: str)
createSvgParameterElement(doc: QDomDocument, name: str, value: str) → QDomElement
createSymbolLayerListFromSld(element: QDomElement, geomType: QgsWkbTypes.GeometryType, layers: object) → bool
createVendorOptionElement(doc: QDomDocument, name: str, value: str) → QDomElement
decodeArrowHeadType(value: Any) → Tuple[QgsArrowSymbolLayer.HeadType, bool]

Decodes a value representing an arrow head type.

New in version 3.2.

decodeArrowType(value: Any) → Tuple[QgsArrowSymbolLayer.ArrowType, bool]

Decodes a value representing an arrow type.

New in version 3.2.

decodeBlendMode(s: str) → QPainter.CompositionMode
decodeBrushStyle(str: str) → Qt.BrushStyle
decodeColor(str: str) → QColor
decodeMapUnitScale(str: str) → QgsMapUnitScale
decodePenCapStyle(str: str) → Qt.PenCapStyle
decodePenJoinStyle(str: str) → Qt.PenJoinStyle
decodePenStyle(str: str) → Qt.PenStyle
decodePoint(string: str) → QPointF

Decodes a QSizeF from a string.

See also


See also


decodeRealVector(s: str) → List[float]
decodeScaleMethod(str: str) → QgsSymbol.ScaleMethod
decodeSize(string: str) → QSizeF

Decodes a QSizeF from a string.

See also


See also


New in version 3.0.

decodeSldAlpha(str: str) → int
decodeSldBrushStyle(str: str) → Qt.BrushStyle
decodeSldFontStyle(str: str) → QFont.Style
decodeSldFontWeight(str: str) → int
decodeSldLineCapStyle(str: str) → Qt.PenCapStyle
decodeSldLineJoinStyle(str: str) → Qt.PenJoinStyle
decodeSldRealVector(s: str) → List[float]
decodeSldUom(str: str) → Tuple[QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit, float]

Decodes a SLD unit of measure string to a render unit.

  • str – string to decode
  • scaleFactor – if specified, will be set to scale factor for unit of measure

matching render unit

See also


displacementFromSldElement(element: QDomElement, offset: Union[QPointF, QPoint]) → bool
drawStippledBackground(painter: QPainter, rect: QRect)
encodeBrushStyle(style: Qt.BrushStyle) → str
encodeColor(color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → str
encodeMapUnitScale(mapUnitScale: QgsMapUnitScale) → str
encodePenCapStyle(style: Qt.PenCapStyle) → str
encodePenJoinStyle(style: Qt.PenJoinStyle) → str
encodePenStyle(style: Qt.PenStyle) → str
encodePoint(point: Union[QPointF, QPoint]) → str

Encodes a QPointF to a string.

See also


See also


encodeRealVector(v: Iterable[float]) → str
encodeScaleMethod(scaleMethod: QgsSymbol.ScaleMethod) → str
encodeSize(size: QSizeF) → str

Encodes a QSizeF to a string.

See also


See also


New in version 3.0.

encodeSldAlpha(alpha: int) → str
encodeSldBrushStyle(style: Qt.BrushStyle) → str
encodeSldFontStyle(style: QFont.Style) → str
encodeSldFontWeight(weight: int) → str
encodeSldLineCapStyle(style: Qt.PenCapStyle) → str
encodeSldLineJoinStyle(style: Qt.PenJoinStyle) → str
encodeSldRealVector(v: Iterable[float]) → str
encodeSldUom(unit: QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit) → Tuple[str, float]

Encodes a render unit into an SLD unit of measure string.

  • unit – unit to encode
  • scaleFactor – if specified, will be set to scale factor for unit of measure

encoded string

See also


estimateMaxSymbolBleed(symbol: QgsSymbol, context: QgsRenderContext) → float

Returns the maximum estimated bleed for the symbol

externalGraphicFromSld(element: QDomElement, path: str, mime: str, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → Tuple[bool, float]
externalGraphicToSld(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, path: str, mime: str, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], size: float = -1)
externalMarkerFromSld(element: QDomElement, path: str, format: str, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → Tuple[bool, int, float]
externalMarkerToSld(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, path: str, format: str, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor] = QColor(), size: float = -1) → int
fieldOrExpressionFromExpression(expression: QgsExpression) → str

Returns a field name if the whole expression is just a name of the field . Returns full expression string if the expression is more complex than just one field. Using just expression->expression() method may return quoted field name, but that is not wanted for saving (due to backward compatibility) or display in GUI.

New in version 2.2.

fieldOrExpressionToExpression(fieldOrExpression: str) → QgsExpression

Returns a new valid expression instance for given field or expression string. If the input is not a valid expression, it is assumed that it is a field name and gets properly quoted. If the string is empty, returns null pointer. This is useful when accepting input which could be either a non-quoted field name or expression.

New in version 2.2.

fillFromSld(element: QDomElement, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → Tuple[bool, Qt.BrushStyle]
fillToSld(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, brushStyle: Qt.BrushStyle, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor] = QColor())
functionFromSldElement(element: QDomElement, function: str) → bool
geometryFromSldElement(element: QDomElement, geomFunc: str) → bool
getSvgParameterList(element: QDomElement) → Dict[str, str]
getSvgParametricPath(basePath: str, fillColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], strokeColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], strokeWidth: float) → str

Encodes a reference to a parametric SVG into a path with parameters according to the SVG Parameters spec

New in version 3.0.

getVendorOptionList(element: QDomElement) → Dict[str, str]
hasExternalGraphic(element: QDomElement) → bool
hasWellKnownMark(element: QDomElement) → bool
importColorsFromGpl(file: QFile, name: str) → Tuple[object, bool]

Imports colors from a gpl GIMP palette file

  • file – source gpl file
  • ok – will be true if file was successfully read
  • name – will be set to palette name from gpl file, if present

list of imported colors

labelTextToSld(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, label: str, font: QFont, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor] = QColor(), size: float = -1)
lineFromSld(element: QDomElement, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], customDashPattern: Iterable[float] = []) → Tuple[bool, Qt.PenStyle, float, Qt.PenJoinStyle, Qt.PenCapStyle, float]
listSvgFiles() → List[str]

Returns a list of all available svg files

listSvgFilesAt(directory: str) → List[str]

Returns a list of svg files at the specified directory

loadColorRamp(element: QDomElement) → QgsColorRamp

Creates a color ramp from the settings encoded in an XML element

Parameters:element – DOM element
Returns:new color ramp. Caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned value.

See also


loadColorRamp(value: Any) -> QgsColorRamp Load a color ramp from a QVariantMap, wrapped in a QVariant. You can use QgsXmlUtils.readVariant to load it from an XML document.

loadSymbol(element: QDomElement, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → QgsSymbol

Attempts to load a symbol from a DOM element

  • element – DOM element representing symbol
  • context – object to transform relative to absolute paths

decoded symbol, if possible

loadSymbolLayer(element: QDomElement, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → QgsSymbolLayer

Reads and returns symbol layer from XML. Caller is responsible for deleting the returned object

loadSymbols(element: QDomElement, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → object

Reads a collection of symbols from XML and returns them in a map. Caller is responsible for deleting returned symbols.

mergeScaleDependencies(mScaleMinDenom: int, mScaleMaxDenom: int, props: Dict[str, str])

Merges the local scale limits, if any, with the ones already in the map, if any

New in version 3.0.

multiplyImageOpacity(image: QImage, opacity: float)

Multiplies opacity of image pixel values with a (global) transparency value.

needEllipseMarker(element: QDomElement) → bool
needFontMarker(element: QDomElement) → bool
needLinePatternFill(element: QDomElement) → bool
needMarkerLine(element: QDomElement) → bool
needPointPatternFill(element: QDomElement) → bool
needSvgFill(element: QDomElement) → bool
needSvgMarker(element: QDomElement) → bool
ogrFeatureStyleBrush(fillColr: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → str

Create ogr feature style string for brush

Parameters:fillColr – fill color*
ogrFeatureStylePen(width: float, mmScaleFactor: float, mapUnitsScaleFactor: float, c: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], joinStyle: Qt.PenJoinStyle = Qt.MiterJoin, capStyle: Qt.PenCapStyle = Qt.FlatCap, offset: float = 0, dashPattern: Iterable[float] = []) → str

Create ogr feature style string for pen

onlineResourceFromSldElement(element: QDomElement, path: str, format: str) → bool
opacityFromSldElement(element: QDomElement, alphaFunc: str) → bool
parametricSvgToSld(doc: QDomDocument, graphicElem: QDomElement, path: str, fillColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], size: float, strokeColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], strokeWidth: float)

Encodes a reference to a parametric SVG into SLD, as a succession of parametric SVG using URL parameters, a fallback SVG without parameters, and a final fallback as a mark with the right colors and stroke for systems that cannot do SVG at all

New in version 3.0.

parseColor(colorStr: str, strictEval: bool = False) → QColor

Attempts to parse a string as a color using a variety of common formats, including hex codes, rgb and rgba strings.

  • colorStr – string representing the color
  • strictEval – set to true for stricter color parsing rules

parsed color

New in version 2.3.

parseColorList(colorStr: str) → List[QColor]

Attempts to parse a string as a list of colors using a variety of common formats, including hex codes, rgb and rgba strings.

Parameters:colorStr – string representing the color list
Returns:list of parsed colors

New in version 2.5.

parseColorWithAlpha(colorStr: str, strictEval: bool = False) → Tuple[QColor, bool]

Attempts to parse a string as a color using a variety of common formats, including hex codes, rgb and rgba strings.

  • colorStr – string representing the color
  • containsAlpha – if colorStr contains an explicit alpha value then containsAlpha will be set to true
  • strictEval – set to true for stricter color parsing rules

parsed color

New in version 2.3.

parseProperties(element: QDomElement) → Dict[str, str]
pointInPolygon(points: QPolygonF, point: Union[QPointF, QPoint]) → bool

Calculate whether a point is within of a QPolygonF

pointOnLineWithDistance(startPoint: Union[QPointF, QPoint], directionPoint: Union[QPointF, QPoint], distance: float) → QPointF

Returns a point on the line from startPoint to directionPoint that is a certain distance away from the starting point

polygonCentroid(points: QPolygonF) → QPointF

Calculate the centroid point of a QPolygonF

polygonPointOnSurface(points: QPolygonF) → QPointF

Calculate a point within of a QPolygonF

premultiplyColor(rgb: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], alpha: int)

Converts a QColor into a premultiplied ARGB QColor value using a specified alpha value

New in version 2.3.

prettyBreaks(minimum: float, maximum: float, classes: int) → List[float]

Computes a sequence of about ‘classes’ equally spaced round values which cover the range of values from ‘minimum’ to ‘maximum’. The values are chosen so that they are 1, 2 or 5 times a power of 10.

New in version 2.10.

rescaleArrayUom(array: Iterable[float], unit: QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit, props: Dict[str, str]) → List[float]

Rescales the given array based on the uomScale found in the props, if any is found, otherwise returns a copy of the original point

New in version 3.0.

rescalePointUom(point: Union[QPointF, QPoint], unit: QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit, props: Dict[str, str]) → QPointF

Rescales the given point based on the uomScale found in the props, if any is found, otherwise returns a copy of the original point

New in version 3.0.

rescaleUom(size: float, unit: QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit, props: Dict[str, str]) → float

Rescales the given size based on the uomScale found in the props, if any is found, otherwise returns the value un-modified

New in version 3.0.

rotationFromSldElement(element: QDomElement, rotationFunc: str) → bool
saveColorRamp(name: str, ramp: QgsColorRamp, doc: QDomDocument) → QDomElement

Encodes a color ramp’s settings to an XML element

  • name – name of ramp
  • ramp – color ramp to save
  • doc – XML document

DOM element representing state of color ramp

See also


saveColorsToGpl(file: QFile, paletteName: str, colors: object) → bool

Exports colors to a gpl GIMP palette file

  • file – destination file
  • paletteName – name of palette, which is stored in gpl file
  • colors – colors to export

true if export was successful

saveProperties(props: Dict[str, str], doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement)
saveSymbol(symbolName: str, symbol: QgsSymbol, doc: QDomDocument, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → QDomElement

Writes a symbol definition to XML

saveSymbols(symbols: object, tagName: str, doc: QDomDocument, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → QDomElement

Writes a collection of symbols to XML with specified tagName for the top-level element

sizeInPixelsFromSldUom(uom: str, size: float) → float

Returns the size scaled in pixels according to the uom attribute.

  • uom – The uom attribute from SLD 1.1 version
  • size – The original size

the size in pixels

New in version 3.0.

sortVariantList(list: Iterable[Any], order: Qt.SortOrder)

Sorts the passed list in requested order

svgSymbolNameToPath(name: str, pathResolver: QgsPathResolver) → str

Determines an SVG symbol’s path from its name. If name is not an absolute path the file is scanned for in the SVG paths specified in settings svg/searchPathsForSVG.

svgSymbolPathToName(path: str, pathResolver: QgsPathResolver) → str

Determines an SVG symbol’s name from its path.

symbolFromMimeData(data: QMimeData) → QgsSymbol

Attempts to parse mime data as a symbol. A new symbol instance will be returned if the data was successfully converted to a symbol.

New in version 3.0.

symbolLayerPreviewIcon(layer: QgsSymbolLayer, u: QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit, size: QSize, scale: QgsMapUnitScale = QgsMapUnitScale()) → QIcon

Draws a symbol layer preview to an icon.

  • layer – symbol layer to draw
  • u – size units
  • size – target size of preview icon
  • scale – map unit scale for preview

icon containing symbol layer preview

symbolLayerPreviewPicture(layer: QgsSymbolLayer, units: QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit, size: QSize, scale: QgsMapUnitScale = QgsMapUnitScale()) → QPicture

Draws a symbol layer preview to a QPicture

  • layer – symbol layer to draw
  • units – size units
  • size – target size of preview picture
  • scale – map unit scale for preview

QPicture containing symbol layer preview

New in version 2.9.

symbolPreviewIcon(symbol: QgsSymbol, size: QSize, padding: int = 0) → QIcon

Returns an icon preview for a color ramp.

  • symbol – symbol
  • size – target pixmap size
  • padding – space between icon edge and symbol
symbolPreviewPixmap(symbol: QgsSymbol, size: QSize, padding: int = 0, customContext: QgsRenderContext = None) → QPixmap

Returns a pixmap preview for a color ramp.

  • symbol – symbol
  • size – target pixmap size
  • padding – space between icon edge and symbol
  • customContext – render context to use when rendering symbol


Parameter customContext added in QGIS 2.6

symbolProperties(symbol: QgsSymbol) → str

Returns a string representing the symbol. Can be used to test for equality between symbols.

New in version 2.12.

symbolToMimeData(symbol: QgsSymbol) → QMimeData

Creates new mime data from a symbol. This also sets the mime color data to match the symbol’s color, so that copied symbols can be paste in places where a color is expected.

New in version 3.0.

wellKnownMarkerFromSld2(element: QDomElement, name: str, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], strokeColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) → Tuple[bool, Qt.PenStyle, float, float]


available in Python as wellKnownMarkerFromSld2

wellKnownMarkerToSld(doc: QDomDocument, element: QDomElement, name: str, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], strokeColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor], strokeStyle: Qt.PenStyle, strokeWidth: float = -1, size: float = -1)