Class: QgsPasswordLineEdit

class qgis.gui.QgsPasswordLineEdit(parent: QWidget = None, passwordVisible: bool = False)

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLineEdit

Constructor for QgsPasswordLineEdit.

  • parent – parent widget

  • passwordVisible – Initial state of the password’s visibility

QLineEdit subclass with built in support for showing/hiding entered password.

actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)
changeEvent(self, QEvent)
childEvent(self, QChildEvent)
closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)
connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)
create(self, window: sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
cursorRect(self) QRect
customEvent(self, QEvent)
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)
disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)
enterEvent(self, QEvent)
focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)
initPainter(self, QPainter)
initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)
inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)
isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool
keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)
leaveEvent(self, QEvent)
metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)
moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)
nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int]
paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)
receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int
resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setPasswordVisibility(self, visible: bool)

Set state of the password’s visibility


visible (bool) –

setShowLockIcon(self, visible: bool)

Define if a lock icon shall be shown on the left of the widget


visible (bool) – set to False to hide the lock icon

sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showEvent(self, QShowEvent)
showLockIcon(self) bool

Returns if a lock icon shall be shown on the left of the widget

Return type


tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)
timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)
wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)