Subgroup: Expression

Class: QgsExpressionContext

class qgis.core.QgsExpressionContext

Bases: sip.wrapper

Constructor for QgsExpressionContext

QgsExpressionContext(scopes: object) Initializes the context with given list of scopes. Ownership of the scopes is transferred to the stack.

New in version 3.0.

QgsExpressionContext(other: QgsExpressionContext) Copy constructor

Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should

be evaluated. QgsExpressions can then utilize the information stored within a context to contextualise their evaluated result. A QgsExpressionContext consists of a stack of QgsExpressionContextScope objects, where scopes added later to the stack will override conflicting variables and functions from scopes lower in the stack.

See QgsExpressionContextUtils for helper methods for working with QgsExpressionContext objects.

New in version 2.12: Methods

activeScopeForVariable Returns the currently active scope from the context for a specified variable name.
appendScope Appends a scope to the end of the context.
appendScopes Appends a list of scopes to the end of the context.
cachedValue Returns the matching cached value, if set.
clearCachedValues Clears all cached values from the context.
description Returns a translated description string for the variable with specified name.
feature Convenience function for retrieving the feature for the context, if set.
fields Convenience function for retrieving the fields for the context, if set.
filteredVariableNames Returns a filtered list of variables names set by all scopes in the context.
function Fetches a matching function from the context.
functionNames Retrieves a list of function names contained in the context.
hasCachedValue Returns true if the expression context contains a cached value with a matching key.
hasFeature Returns true if the context has a feature associated with it.
hasFunction Checks whether a specified function is contained in the context.
hasVariable Check whether a variable is specified by any scope within the context.
indexOfScope Returns the index of the specified scope if it exists within the context.
isHighlightedVariable Returns true if the specified variable name is intended to be highlighted to the user.
isReadOnly Returns whether a variable is read only, and should not be modifiable by users.
lastScope Returns the last scope added to the context.
popScope Removes the last scope from the expression context and return it.
scope Returns the scope at the specified index within the context.
scopeCount Returns the number of scopes contained in the context.
scopes Returns a list of scopes contained within the stack.
setCachedValue Sets a value to cache within the expression context.
setFeature Convenience function for setting a feature for the context.
setFields Convenience function for setting a fields for the context.
setHighlightedVariables Sets the list of variable names within the context intended to be highlighted to the user.
setOriginalValueVariable Sets the original value variable value for the context.
variable Fetches a matching variable from the context.
variableNames Returns a list of variables names set by all scopes in the context.
variablesToMap Returns a map of variable name to value representing all the expression variables contained by the context.



EXPR_CLUSTER_COLOR = 'cluster_color'
EXPR_CLUSTER_SIZE = 'cluster_size'
EXPR_FIELDS = '_fields_'
EXPR_GEOMETRY_PART_COUNT = 'geometry_part_count'
EXPR_GEOMETRY_PART_NUM = 'geometry_part_num'
EXPR_GEOMETRY_POINT_COUNT = 'geometry_point_count'
EXPR_GEOMETRY_POINT_NUM = 'geometry_point_num'
EXPR_SYMBOL_ANGLE = 'symbol_angle'
EXPR_SYMBOL_COLOR = 'symbol_color'
activeScopeForVariable(self, name: str) → QgsExpressionContextScope

Returns the currently active scope from the context for a specified variable name. As scopes later in the stack override earlier contexts, this will be the last matching scope which contains a matching variable.

Parameters:name – variable name
Returns:matching scope containing variable, or null if none found
appendScope(self, scope: QgsExpressionContextScope)

Appends a scope to the end of the context. This scope will override any matching variables or functions provided by existing scopes within the context. Ownership of the scope is transferred to the stack.

Parameters:scope – expression context to append to context
appendScopes(self, scopes: Iterable[QgsExpressionContextScope])

Appends a list of scopes to the end of the context. This scopes will override any matching variables or functions provided by existing scopes within the context. Ownership of the scopes is transferred to the stack.

Parameters:scopes – scopes to append to context

New in version 3.0.

cachedValue(self, key: str) → Any

Returns the matching cached value, if set. This can be used to retrieve the previously stored results of an expensive expression sub-calculation.

Parameters:key – unique key used to store cached value
Returns:matching cached value, or invalid QVariant if not set

See also


See also


New in version 2.16.


Clears all cached values from the context.

See also


See also


See also


New in version 2.16.

description(self, name: str) → str

Returns a translated description string for the variable with specified name.

If no specific description has been provided for the variable, the value from QgsExpression.variableHelpText() will be returned.

New in version 3.0.

feature(self) → QgsFeature

Convenience function for retrieving the feature for the context, if set.

See also


fields(self) → QgsFields

Convenience function for retrieving the fields for the context, if set.

See also


filteredVariableNames(self) → List[str]

Returns a filtered list of variables names set by all scopes in the context. The included variables are those which should be seen by users.

Returns:filtered list of unique variable names

See also


function(self, name: str) → QgsExpressionFunction

Fetches a matching function from the context. The function will be fetched from the last scope contained within the context which has a matching function set.

Parameters:name – function name
Returns:function if contained by the context, otherwise null.

See also


functionNames(self) → List[str]

Retrieves a list of function names contained in the context.

See also


See also


hasCachedValue(self, key: str) → bool

Returns true if the expression context contains a cached value with a matching key.

Parameters:key – unique key used to store cached value

See also


See also


New in version 2.16.

hasFeature(self) → bool

Returns true if the context has a feature associated with it.

New in version 3.0.

See also


hasFunction(self, name: str) → bool

Checks whether a specified function is contained in the context.

Parameters:name – function name
Returns:true if context provides a matching function

See also


hasVariable(self, name: str) → bool

Check whether a variable is specified by any scope within the context.

Parameters:name – variable name
Returns:true if variable is set

See also


See also


indexOfScope(self, scope: QgsExpressionContextScope) → int

Returns the index of the specified scope if it exists within the context.

Parameters:scope – scope to find
Returns:index of scope, or -1 if scope was not found within the context.

indexOfScope(self, scopeName: str) -> int Returns the index of the first scope with a matching name within the context.

Parameters:scopeName – name of scope to find
Returns:index of scope, or -1 if scope was not found within the context.

New in version 3.0.

isHighlightedVariable(self, name: str) → bool

Returns true if the specified variable name is intended to be highlighted to the user. This is used by the expression builder to more prominently display the variable.

Parameters:name – variable name
isReadOnly(self, name: str) → bool

Returns whether a variable is read only, and should not be modifiable by users.

Parameters:name – variable name
Returns:true if variable is read only. Read only status will be taken from last

matching scope which contains a matching variable.

lastScope(self) → QgsExpressionContextScope

Returns the last scope added to the context.

See also


popScope(self) → QgsExpressionContextScope

Removes the last scope from the expression context and return it.

scope(self, index: int) → QgsExpressionContextScope

Returns the scope at the specified index within the context.

Parameters:index – index of scope
Returns:matching scope, or null if none found

See also


scopeCount(self) → int

Returns the number of scopes contained in the context.

scopes(self) → List[QgsExpressionContextScope]

Returns a list of scopes contained within the stack.

Returns:list of pointers to scopes
setCachedValue(self, key: str, value: Any)

Sets a value to cache within the expression context. This can be used to cache the results of expensive expression sub-calculations, to speed up future evaluations using the same expression context.

  • key – unique key for retrieving cached value
  • value – value to cache

See also


See also


New in version 2.16.

setFeature(self, feature: QgsFeature)

Convenience function for setting a feature for the context. The feature will be set within the last scope of the context, so will override any existing features within the context.

Parameters:feature – feature for context

See also


setFields(self, fields: QgsFields)

Convenience function for setting a fields for the context. The fields will be set within the last scope of the context, so will override any existing fields within the context.

Parameters:fields – fields for context

See also


setHighlightedVariables(self, variableNames: Iterable[str])

Sets the list of variable names within the context intended to be highlighted to the user. This is used by the expression builder to more prominently display these variables.

Parameters:variableNames – variable names to highlight
setOriginalValueVariable(self, value: Any)

Sets the original value variable value for the context.

Parameters:value – value for original value variable. This usually represents the an original widget

value before any data defined overrides have been applied.

New in version 2.12.

variable(self, name: str) → Any

Fetches a matching variable from the context. The variable will be fetched from the last scope contained within the context which has a matching variable set.

Parameters:name – variable name
Returns:variable value if matching variable exists in the context, otherwise an invalid QVariant

See also


See also


variableNames(self) → List[str]

Returns a list of variables names set by all scopes in the context.

Returns:list of unique variable names

See also


See also


See also


variablesToMap(self) → Dict[str, Any]

Returns a map of variable name to value representing all the expression variables contained by the context.

New in version 3.0.