Sustaining Membership Program Overview

Organizações ou pessoas interessadas em apoiar o projeto QGIS devem entrar em contato com o tesoureiro do QGIS, Andreas Neumann (, com perguntas e solicitações quanto a se tornar um membro mantenedor, invoices ou para outras providências.

QGIS é um projeto de código totalmente aberto. O desenvolvimento do QGIS é realizado em grande parte por um grupo de voluntários, que com o tempo construiu uma grande, valiosa e útil base de código livre para usar e melhorar para todos. Como resultado, você tem acesso livre ao código fonte e binários que fornecemos no nosso website. Como resultado desta aproximação voluntária, um número de tarefas, menos interessante ou importante para os criadores, são muitas vezes deixadas para trás. Além disso, a promoção do QGIS exige a nossa participação em congressos e conferências e na produção de material informativo, às vezes muito caros para desenvolvedores voluntários.

Enquanto isso, muitas organizações têm feito um investimento no QGIS usando-o como parte das suas operações, mas não tiveram uma forma direta de contribuir para o sucesso saudável a longo prazo do projeto.

We would like to extend our activities and improve the quality of QGIS. Your financial contribution will support the maintenance, improvement, and promotion of QGIS. Becoming a sustaining member is a way of ensuring the longevity and overall health of the project.

Note that prior to March 17, 2019, we had a sponsorship program that is now being transitioned to a sustaining membership program in order to make it easier for public authorities to support the QGIS.ORG project by becoming a sustaining member as previously it was difficult or impossible for them to support the project through sponsorships or donations. Financial contributions prior to March 17 are technically regarded as sponsorships, after that date as sustaining memberships.

With your financial contributions we are able to:

  • keep the QGIS.ORG IT infrastructure up and running. This includes aspects, such as

    • o QGIS.ORG website

    • our issue (bug and feature reporting) system

    • the continuous integration system that tests each change or pull request against a series of automated unit tests

    • our documentation and API documentation system

  • packaging QGIS for the various operating systems

  • fixing bugs and other issues

  • managing pull requests and do code reviewing

  • mentoring new contributors

  • traduzindo QGIS

  • running our QGIS grant system that allows contributors to work on behind the scenes improvements to the QGIS code base, our infrastructure, documentation or other aspects of our community. Work that otherwise would be hard to do by volunteers only or hard to sell to customers of QGIS development companies

  • organize and support our contributor meetings and QGIS conferences

QGIS.ORG wants to be transparent with the funds we receive and how we spend them. Please have a look at the financial reports and budgets in our Finança section.

Como posso apoiar o Desenvolvimento do QGIS

Existem dois tipos de contribuições financeiras, nós aceitamos:

  • sustaining memberships: a sustaining membership is an annual commitment of funds to the project.

  • doações: uma doação é uma contribuição espontânea ao projeto QGIS.

Sustaining membership

Sustaining members can support QGIS for any amount of money of at least 500 €. Sustaining memberships last one year, after which they may be continued with a new payment, or allowed to lapse. Sustaining members have no voting rights (unless they are simultaneously voting members in which case their voting rights are unaffected). At or above the following levels a sustaining member will be designated as being one of the following category, based on their size and assigned through self declaration:


membership level


Flagship Member (e.g. for companies larger than 100 employees, federal governmental organizations)


Large Member (e.g. for larger cities, provinces or companies up to 100 employees)


Medium Member (e.g. for universities, medium size cities or companies up to 50 employees)


Small Member (e.g. for smaller cities or companies up to 10 employees)

Membership fees are approved or changed by the QGIS general assembly. They are defined as minimum fees per category, but may be increased if the sustaining member chooses to do so.

Como o QGIS.ORG é um projeto mundial e diferentes empresas, ONGs ou organizações governamentais têm perspectivas financeiras diferentes, não impomos nenhum nível de associação - as organizações escolhem seu próprio nível de associação com base na auto-avaliação.

A aceitação dos membros mantenedores estará sujeita à discrição e aprovação do Conselho, que se reserva o direito de aceitar ou rejeitar pedidos de inclusão de de membros mantenedores e de patrocinadores, conforme apropriado.


Donations can be of any amount, via direct transfers to our bank account (SEPA payment), credit card payment (through or Paypal (information available at Donations page). Even a small donation can make a difference and help to reach important project goals!

If you wish to send us a larger donation, you are strongly encouraged to use the direct transfer (SEPA payment) to our bank account. If you wish to use credit card payments, payments through are preferred as payment fees are lower than with PayPal. PayPal payments also imply an unnecessary currency conversion (€ to CHF and back to €) for reasons only PayPal understands.

Donations to QGIS are tax-deductible in some countries (e.g. in Germany through the German QGIS user group). Please refer to your local tax office for details.

What is your benefit supporting the QGIS Development?

Supporting the QGIS project as a sustaining member provides the following benefits:

  • Assegura a sustentabilidade e saúde do projecto QGIS.

  • Helps with fixing bugs and issues

  • All sustaining members and donors will be listed on the project Membros Mantenedores e Doadores page, ordered by membership category (flagship, large, medium, small) with a link back to the sustaining members organization or company website and the logo in a size reflecting their membership category.

  • flagship, large and medium sustaining members will have their logo on the QGIS homepage footer banner with a logo size and order reflecting their membership category

  • sustaining membership logos are listed in the visual changelogs produced for each QGIS software release

  • sustaining members will be allowed to use a special version of the QGIS logo on their web site and promotional materials, which shows they are supporting the QGIS project

  • Nenhuma publicidade será introduzida dentro da aplicação do QGIS.

Donors will be listed on the Membros Mantenedores e Doadores page, but do not receive the additional benefits listed above for sustaining members, except for the first two items.

Decisions on spending of funds will be made by the QGIS Project Steering Committee, proposed in a budget that will be approved or declined by the QGIS.ORG general assembly.


Nós lamentamos mas não podemos aceitar fundos para desenvolvimentos específicos, pois cria muitos problemas administrativos. Se você está interessado em financiar aspectos específicos do desenvolvimento do QGIS, nós encorajamos você a atribuir recursos humanos adicionais para o projecto, por exemplo, contratação de um desenvolvedor, ou participar de nossa iniciativa de correcção de erros.


Acceptance of sustaining membership applications is at the discretion of the QGIS PSC. We reserve the right to decline offers of sustaining members if the membership organisation or party seems to be at odds with the ethos of our project. For example offers from marketing companies that have nothing to do with GIS / spatial services, or offers where we have reason to believe the presence of the sustaining member logo and marketing materials on our site and other materials will degrade the experience of our users will be declined.