사용자 그룹

Current list of QGIS user groups

Registered 2016 or earlier

Registered 2017

Registered 2018

Removed 2018

Registered 2020

Registered 2021

Registered 2022

사용자 그룹의 목적

  • 사용자 모임의 조직

  • 개발 조정, 지역적/국가적 표준과 요구사항을 고려

  • QGIS 정보: 모임, GIS 잡지의 기사, 소셜 미디어에서의 QGIS 정보, GISxhfhs 위원회, 기타.

  • 각 지역별 QGIS 사용 경험 수집

  • 후원하기: 지역 사용자 그룹이 매년 회비를 받을 수 있습니다(국가에 따라 다름). 이렇게 모여진 자금은 특정 기능의 개발, 버그 수정 혹은 국제 QGIS 프로젝트 기부하여 도움을 주는데 사용할 수 있습니다.

  • Establishment of interest groups, e.g. surveying, urban planning, server/web client, etc.

  • Initialization/coordination of application modules, e.g. surveying, urban planning, server/web client, etc.

  • Electing a representative to act as a QGIS Country Voting Member

General assumptions/recommendations

  • stay vendor/company neutral

  • establish democratic structures for the steering committee, voting and important decision

  • stay transparent, esp. if you deal with membership-fees and how you spend it

  • inform the international project from time to time about your local activities


Depending on your country, a smaller legal entity, e.g. an association, could be established. Depending on local legislation such an entity implies that you meet at least once per year (general assembly), publish a yearly report and make the financial report available to your members. Often it also implies the creation of statutes.

Statutes of the Swiss QGIS user group as an example:

Membership application forms:

You can use these statutes and membership application forms as an idea or reference and change them to your local situation.

Local Country domain qgis.xx

It is recommended to register your local country domains, e.g. qgis.ch or qgis.uk. If the domain is already taken by someone other organization, company or person please negotiate if you can transfer the owner to the local QGIS user group. The QGIS international project has registered QGIS as a trademark, which should help you during your negotations.

Website template

if you do not wish to host and design from scratch the group website, you can use the template provided at https://github.com/qgis/qgis-template.github.io